10 Things To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving.
- God gave His son, Jesus, so that we may live eternally. Where would I be without God? I thank Him for my life, another year of growing older and I give Him thanks with a grateful heart for all the blessings He has given me.
- Family. This is a big one. I thank God everyday to still have my family with me this year at Thanksgiving. Both my mother and daddy are older and I know I will only have them for a few more years. I thank God that He has blessed them, overall, with good health. They spend their time blessing others each and every day. I am thankful for my sisters, my husband, daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. They make the world a better place to be. I am thankful for my nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
- Friends. I am thankful for my friends who are there during the good times, bad times and times in between. Enough said.
- Good health. Of course I have a few aches and pains every now and then. But overall, I am in good health and I give thanks to God each and every day for my health.
- Animals. I would be so lost without my four-legged babies. My horses and my dogs are part of my family. They are family members who are just as important as the people in the family. Their well-being and health matter to me. My Yorkie, Chloe, is my constant companion. She is laying by my feet this very second. God blessed me with her shortly after losing Tori and Jayce in 2016. She has truly helped heal my heart. My horses…well you see them all the time and I hope you can tell from some of the photos that they aren’t just animals out in a pasture or barn. They are family members who I love very much and I feel so blessed and thankful to have them.
- My home. I am so thankful to have our home. Sometimes I get frustrated because we get little-to-no cell service. We live way out in the country, in the woods. But I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Our home is my haven and I am so thankful for it.
- Freedom. I give thanks to God and to our men, women and animals in our Armed Services for our freedom. Is our Country perfect? No. But is it the best Country on the planet? Yes! At least, I think so. I am thankful to live somewhere where I am free.
- Another year of life experiences. And man-oh-man haven’t there been a lot of those this past year. Just believe me when I say that…I’ll be writing another blog on this one.
- Personal and and professional growth. I have probably grown more this year than I have in the last 10 years combined. God has truly blessed me and I am so thankful.
- Life’s lessons. When I say “lessons” here, I mean that I am thankful for being able to learn from mistakes. I have reached a point that I no longer see “mistakes” as “mistakes”. They are all life’s lessons. I’ve had obstacles, I’ve had set-backs and I’ve had some plain old knock-downs. But no matter how I wound up on my butt, thanks to God, I didn’t stay down for long. I always got back up. And after each fall, I learned. I learned each of the lessons that life was teaching me. Some of them were tough to accept. But I did it. And I am so thankful that I have been able to learn life’s lessons.
There are many, many more things that I am thankful for, but this list is a very good start. What would YOU add to the list?
Sending You Blessings of Thankfulness & Gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
I thank God also for spiritual growth. My faith gets stronger as I get older. And I also thank Him for patience. In a world full of people who are always in a hurry for so many things, I’m grateful I have patience!
Just wanted to add a couple to your already great list!