We’ve all reached a point where we just needed a good cry. Nothing else will do. Whether your heart is breaking over an ended relationship, whether you’re frustrated over work, family issues, medical issues, or other life issues, you just have to cry. You probably can’t hold it in any longer and before you know it, tears are streaming down your face. And that is perfectly okay! There is no shame in crying. It is a human thing. Sometimes we simply have to do it.
Rain falls because clouds can no loner handle the weight. Tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain… ~Unknown
I spoke with a woman by email this week. Everything about our conversation was heartbreaking. Before the emails finished, I was crying for her. But the strange thing was that she wasn’t crying. And I could “hear” in her words that she needed to.
She told me how her husband of 27 years walked in from work last week (Yes, the week before Christmas) and told her that he didn’t want to be married anymore, that he was moving across the Country and starting a new life. He told her how he had filed divorce papers, but asked that she not be served until after Christmas. He tried to pacify her by telling her that they had no debt and that she “ought to be just fine”.
She said that she was so shocked at first that she didn’t say anything. When she could talk, she asked him, “Why”? He kept saying over and over again, “I just want a new life”.
She kept saying, “My heart is so full. It fills like it is going to burst”. I asked her if she had had a good cry. She said, “No, he always told me not to cry.” Can you believe that?
I gave her the only advice I could give her. I said that she first needed to have a good cry and pray. Next, I asked her if she had signed the divorce papers yet. She said that she hadn’t. I told her not to just yet. I asked if she could afford a really good attorney and she said yes. I then told her to go out and hire the best bulldog female attorney that she could find. She said she would.
When I finished with all that, I kept telling her that she would probably find herself needing to cry over the next several weeks and months. I said, “No matter where you are or what you are doing, if you need to cry, cry! Cry it out! Those tears help your heart, they will cleanse your soul! And they will help you release your sadness and heartbreak.
Sending you blessings of love from Sterrett, Alabama!
Good advice!!!!!
Thank you.
Very good advise!