Some days, you just have to remind yourself that there are very unhappy people out there. And they’ll do anything to make you unhappy too.
A few days ago, I had a mean post left on my page. It read: “I would display your badge except sometimes the language you use is filthy. I usually enjoy your posts, but sometimes the words you use I don’t want displayed on my timeline. Watch your words and your posts would be better”.
What in the world? For all of you who know me, you know I don’t use that kind of language. That’s just not who I am. At first, I was very upset. But then I just backed away, took a few deep breaths and smiled. That was “the one” that was trying to bring me down. That was “the one” who wanted to take away a little of my happiness, take away my blessings for the day. So I didn’t let her do it. I know y’all know me better than that and her words made her look like the person she is–mean, unhappy and miserable. I didn’t let her bring me down. She didn’t destroy my inner peace. As a matter of fact, it strengthened my resolve to be at peace.
When someone is mean, don’t listen. When someone is rude, walk away. When someone tries to put you down, stay firm. Don’t let someone’s bad behavior destroy your inner peace.
I took a step back. And then I prayed. Praying always helps me focus and helps me get back to what I need to be doing.
Whatever method you use to “shake it off”, do not let it get you down. Don’t let it destroy your inner peace.
Mean people are unhappy people. And they are usually chronically unhappy. Chronically unhappy people have a hard life…it takes a tremendous amount of energy to always be unhappy. And, to me, the worst thing about unhappy people? They want you to be unhappy too! The old saying, “Misery loves company,” is true.
But don’t let them do that to you. Remind yourself that your happiness depends on you keeping your inner peace and living in your joy. Remind yourself that you can choose who you hang with, who you listen to and who is happy. Keep your inner peace.
I’m sending Peaceful, Happy Blessings To You From Sterrett, Alabama!
This massage learning me more thing