Worrying about things can really take the joy out of your day, out of your life. And sometimes we tend to worry about things that don’t really matter.
The older we grow, the quieter we tend to become, and the less pointless drama, distraction and busyness we tend to engage in. Life humbles us as we age. We begin to realize just how much nonsense we’ve wasted time on.
I’m not, in any way, minimizing any issues you have going on in your life right now. But when you find yourself worrying about something, stop and ask yourself, “Is this something I should spend any time worrying about? Will this matter five years from now? Will it matter tomorrow or five minutes from now?”
5 by 5 rule: If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes being upset about it.
As I’ve become older, I often think back about something that I worried about–really worried about. And I now know that I worried too much about things that don’t matter.
One day you’ll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don’t really matter.
So, for me there are several “things” that I think really matter. And I think these same things will matter five years from now and fifty years from now.
Faith, family, genuine/true friendships, purpose, and peace in your heart and soul–these are the things that really matter to me now and I know they will later in my life.
My walk with God serves as the “umbrella” over all other parts of my life. I pray that I draw closer to God each and every day. Next, my family and true friendships are my grounding in life. They make my life whole.
Living my life with purpose is so important to me. I’ve worked really hard my entire career to be where I am right now and I know that God will continue to bless me and keep moving me forward.
Living in peace is something that has mattered to me more as I’ve gotten older. It is so, so important. I don’t think you can grow in any of the other areas if you cannot live in peace.
So, tomorrow, when something upsets you, ask yourself, “Does this really matter”?
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Beautiful and so true
Thank you for sharing
I look at it this way…..if I can’t do anything about it or change it I choose not to worry about it….just lift it up to the Lord….
Live the best you can then you will have no regrets. Others will cheat you and take advantage of your good will. They will have to have that on their concense not yours if you have treated more than farley. But I hope God has mercy on them.
Thank you for your comments.
God bless you.