Memorial Day is the day we set aside to remember with gratitude, appreciation, pride and respect all those who paid the ultimate price for our Country’s freedom.
Many of you who are reading this have lost a loved one who left us too soon in service to this Country. And many of you who are reading this haven’t lost a loved one in Military service.
No matter if you’ve lost someone close to you or not, we owe them all. Because they perished fighting for us all, not just their loved ones.
Each year at this time, families who have lost a loved one in Military service grieve and mourn their loss. And it isn’t just at this time each year.
They feel the loss all year round. Each birthday, each holiday, each special occasion is spent without their loved ones. And it’s hard.
As you grieve, you remember and celebrate all the time you’ve had with each other. And you feel pride in knowing that they left us a hero.
So, here’s a rose for our Heroes who paid the ultimate price. They will always be loved. They will always be missed.
I wanted to pray a short, simple prayer for all families who have lost a loved one in Military Service to this Country. Please pray with me and receive the blessings sent with this prayer:
Dear God, Thank You for this beautiful day. And thank You for the brave men and women who have fought to keep our Country free.
We owe them so much. Our Country remains the land of the free because of the brave and courageous men and women who work each day to keep us free.
Be with each family who has lost someone. Give them peace and comfort for their hearts and let them know they are loved and cared for.
Let them know that we honor and recognize their loss and sacrifice for us. For the Heroes who have passed on, wrap them in Your loving arms and keep them close to Your heart.
We love and miss them, but we know Heaven got one more Hero when they left us. We are at peace knowing our loved ones are with You.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
God bless each service persons families, who are honoring him, with loving memories of them, as a husband, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, wife, mother, grand parents. God bless each one of you, as you remember them, with love , honor, being proud of them. They gave everything ! Some was disabled, but thank God ! they came home. Let them know we honor them, and appreciate, all they gave, to keep America free ! God bless everyone of you, that served our Country, God Bless America ! And everyone of you, that came home. Those that didn’t come home. Rest in Peace !
Thank you so much for your words.
Praying god will keep y’all safe from all harm and hurt.
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.
Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice
Thank you.
Thanks to each and every person who has served/sacrificed/and given their life for my freedom..May each family who has lost loved ones during any of the many wars, be comforted by God’s grace. Thanks to all those who honor those who have served…It is my great pleasure/honor to say “THANKS” on this 2020 Memorial Day .
Thank you so much for your “THANKS”.
God bless you.
Thank you! So many lives….will we ever learn to love one an other??
When you meet a soldier, no matter how long you knew them you saw what kind of person they were Patriotic, loyal and sincere. I met this soldier and that was him. He lost his life not that long after we met. The war took him just like that. Too young to be gone but he was proud to do that for his country. Thank You to all the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this country.
I know exactly what you mean. They have something special in them.
God bless you.
All I can say to that awesome prayer. We love and miss you all.
God Bless them all! Please bless our country and world during this pandemenic and those who are helping.🙏🙏♥️🙏🙏