This describes me to a “T”. This is how I feel. Just be straight we me. Be honest. Don’t try to skirt around the truth and don’t ever tell me a “little, bitty lie”. Because there are no “little, bitty lies”. There are only lies.
The older I get, the more I appreciate people who are straightforward and clear about their intentions. I don’t have time for guessing.
When you have a straightforward personality, you usually don’t leave room for other people to have to guess who you are. People know who you are because there is no fake about you, no phoniness. What you see is what you get.
Your family, friends and others can depend on you to tell it like it is. To lay it on the line, to put all your cards on the table. You are honest and you expect everyone else to be honest.
Straightforward, real people can take it too. People can be just as honest with you as you are with them. As a matter of fact, you prefer it that way.
Straightforward people avoid drama. Drama begins when people get hurt or misunderstand others’ intentions. But because straightforward people are so honest, they don’t play the drama game. Neither do they want any kind of drama in their life.
When you have this kind of personality, you know what you want in life and you’re willing to work your butt off to get it. Does this sound familiar? Don’t you work hard every single day to get what you want out of life? Yeah, I thought so.
Straightforward, honest people exude a confidence that others don’t have. You only have to look at them or be around them a few seconds to know that they are honest, confident people. There is no fear of challenges and they are confident about their thoughts, words, decisions, actions and consequences.
Sometimes straightforward personalities can be seen as rude or harsh. But if you look a little closer, you’ll just see an honest, straightforward, real, authentic human being. My favorite kind of people.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Really good commentary. So many people read something else into your truth or opinion and unintentional consequences or situations happen.
So much pain and long time estrangement over nothing. Just how important is it in the long run of life?
Well basicly being honest with love toward people should be enough ! If it’s not you may have to cut your losses
This is how I choose to live . If you can not be honest in love in your relationships then they are not worth keeping ❤️🙏
Perfectly said love it I wish more people were like that
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I cannot read minds either!
God bless you.
This statement is so true-reminds me of me!!
When one tells the Truth they don’t have to Remember what they said . Semper Fidelis
Semper Fi !! My Dear ! My late husband was in the Marines ! I agree w U
Thank you so much for being here.
God bless and keep you.
My mom wrote in my Bible when I was about 12 that there was never any reason to lie. We were in church and the sermon was on lying.She wrote it to unerline
the message. That was 65 years ago. I still go by what my mom and the sermon said.
So true…..I said never lie because if you get caught that would be terrible….to have to face someone….that’s why I never say anything about anyone that I would not say to their face….has always worked for me….why lie on someone ? I don’t get it…..
Thank you for all uplifting post and god bless and stay safe
Thank YOU for being here.
God bless and keep you.
What u said is so true !! U can always spark freely when the truth is told .
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.
I don’t guess, if I am in a good mood, I may ask for a clarification or proceed as I understood their inchoherent babble.
So true! There is no reason to lie that is so true! You can tell your mama was a very beautiful intelligent woman.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. I agree with you that one must be honest and straightforward. That is who I am, and am sick and tired of all the wimps and hypocrites out there including members of my family. Frankly, at 78, I prefer dogs now….. not bitter.
This is me too78next month and 4 dogs!
The truth will say you free, I can’t stand a person that lies, One of the commandment says Thou shall not lie..
This is how I choose to live my life . If you can’t be honest in your relationships with others when presented in love then you may have to let some people go . Life is too short .
I agree. What are people afraid of if they tell the truth?? A conflict? I’ve been lied to many times. Therein lies the conflict as far as I am concerned. The truth is so much better and easier, and you don’t have to try and remember what lie you made up! Lol. I’ve never had time for drama, thieves or liars. This is why I have always preferred animals to humans. What you see is what you get. I do have friends who do not lie. I never have to guess what they mean. Even if I don’t agree with them, I love and appreciate them.
Fake friends only come around just 2 see what u have 2 steal & act like your friend when you 💯have something they want until it’s gone & u need a friend none can be found!! a true💯 friend will always stand by u no matter what & always 💯 got your back no questions asked!!!Facebook is a 💯 soap opera u can always find some drama there & people always post there dirty laundry or talk smack about some 1 else & always just like posting every 1’s dirty laundry every where & sitting in there own backyard hoping that no 1 will find out about it just be true 2 ur self & don’t worry about all of the haters out there karma’s got ur back always!!
Thank you for sharing that. God bless you.
Truth is a a beginning to a happy and loving relationship wether it be a friend or a boyfriend or girlfriend. A relationship without trust is like having a car with no gas… You can stay in it as long as you like but it’s not going anywhere! if you don’t want anyone knowing or talking about what you done than