Let’s slow down for a second. Inhale and slowly exhale. Just breathe. Isn’t our world fast? Today everything just seems to be so sped-up! You hurry to get showered and dressed for your day. You hurry through your first cup of coffee. You hurry to get out the door, drop the kids off and hurry to work. You hurry all day long to meet deadlines, to get projects finished, to make your conference calls, your meetings and answer emails. You hurry to get through traffic to get home, you hurry to get dinner done, you hurry to eat, you hurry through the dishes, you hurry to bed and when you wake up, it starts all over again.
We just hurry through our lives. Sometimes, I think we do it and don’t even realize it. It has become a way of life, a lifestyle.
I remember a slower, simpler time–the old days. Back when things were much simpler. And calmer. And nicer. And more peaceful.
Sometimes I wish I could just rewind back to the old days and press pause. Just for a little while. I miss the old days.
Remember when we used to do crazy things on swings? We wouldn’t just sit and swing. We’d stand up on the swing seats and fly through the air. Yes, it was crazy and dangerous, but we did it.
And remember when Sunday afternoons weren’t for resting and relaxation? Sunday was the day we took our Sunday drive. We never had plans, but that didn’t matter. We just drove. If we happened to see someone we wanted to talk to, we’d get out, sit on the porch and talk for a while.
And the chores we had to do back then just for the home to run efficiently-remember defrosting the refrigerator? Everything in the freezer would ice over and you would have to spend hours defrosting it.
And there weren’t any large stores like Wall-Mart and Target. Nope. Back then, we made do with a A&P and a Woolworths. And we were so grateful to get to go to these stores. Back in the day, those were fabulous!
Christmas didn’t begin until the Sears Catalog came. And if we wanted to call someone, we actually had to look up their name in a phone book. And if Mother wanted the channel changed on the TV, there were no remote controls. Back then, children were the remotes. We just got up and changed the channel.
When you had something come apart, you sewed it back together. And that went for clothes and anything else you could get a needle through. We always got new clothes and shoes for Easter. Because Easter was as important (or more than) Christmas. We loved it. Mama made all our clothes and we were always the best dressed kids anywhere!
In today’s fast world, I miss the old days.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
I’m in total agreement!!
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
those truly were the days…
I agree. I miss those days also.
Thank you so much for sharing the warm memories of the past🙏🤗🥰
I never thought I would be a member of “The Good Ole Days Club” but I could be President of a local Chapter! I miss em’ too.
I will never be able to go back to the old days, but I really do still miss them!
You are right.
But, for me, I keep my wonderful memories alive.
I don’t want to go back then and do those things over ,I will carry on from now and enjoy life as it is
I agree fully. Those days were great!
Wow I was reading tis thinking about it and it’s so true if only for a brief moment we could all go back and reflect on those days it’s amazing because as I started reading it that’s exactly what happened to me
This was amazing because as I was reading it’s exactly did that took me back to the good old days
Oh my gosh, it is so true. Our world is spinning so fast we have to slow down and enjoy God’s little miracles every day or we will miss everything!!
Thank you for being here and thank you for praying with us.
Ahh yes, those were the days. Life was good then, we took time to enjoy it. Slooooow down is the best.
As I read, it took be back to childhood days of my mommy and her working 2 jobs back then for her and I. I sure wish I was there again changing that T.V channel. Thanks for the Memories. Amen
You forgot the reason for a Sunday drive;
No air conditioning, only way to get cool was going with the car windows down at a speed that cooled you and everybody else down.
Thank you. I’ll have to write a blog about our Sunday drives.
God bless you.