I have really high days. These days are like I am flying. Everything goes great. Everything is well with all my family, friends and everything is well with my work.
And then there are days that I “fall”. These are days when I have something bothering me or something has happened that takes away my peace of mind.
Something may be wrong in my family, with a friendship, or I may have experienced a loss or something else has happened to get me “down”.
Or I may have lost my way, lost sight of God’s plan for me and I take a really bad tumble. And I may stay down a while. Longer than you might expect.
But I rise again. Stronger than ever before. I see the lesson in the pain and I try to grow from the lesson and apply it later.
I fall, I rise. I make mistakes. I live. I learn. I’ve been hurt, but I’m alive. I’m human and I’m not perfect, but I’m thankful.
It’s who we are as humans. We all lose our way sometimes. We all make mistakes. It’s called living. And we learn from our mistakes–all of them.
There are no “small” or “large” mistakes when it comes to life lessons. Each mistake becomes a lesson for you to carry forward along your journey. That’s life.
That’s how we grow. That’s how we become the person God is molding for His use. That’s how we figure out God’s purpose for us.
Someone once asked me, “Charity, have you never been hurt? How are you able to maintain this level of positivity all the time?”
Yes, I’ve been hurt…many times. But I don’t let the hurt define me. You can’t either. You have to let the hurt strengthen you and make you wiser.
Once you let the hurt define you, you stop living. I’m alive in spite of the hurt I’ve gone through. I’m alive and living in spite of the people who have tried to bring me down.
I’m not perfect by any means. None of us are. That’s where we find His Amazing Grace so perfect.
Because of God’s grace, we don’t have to be perfect.His grace is sufficient for all of us.
This life can be so hard sometimes. It can be rough, tough and hard to maneuver through. But, all-in-all, I’m thankful for this beautiful life I live and I’m thankful for my many blessings.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
How is it. Or how do You move on and not let it bother or affect you?
God bless and keep you.
I love reading your post on Facebook, I just want to say thanks for sharing them with use all
Thank you so much. I am so glad you are able to see them.
God bless and keep you.
I email your post on Facebook , I sometimes feel that you are saying exactly what I feel .Thank you Charity, Happy 2023 , I wish you a wonderful New Year and hope it brings many blessings . 🎉🎊❤️
Thank you so much.
God bless and keep you.
This is so beautiful and so very truthful!! Go through life with this in your heart and mind, you can’t go wrong! God is always with us,no matter what! Rain, hail, snow, or sun! Love him for FOREVER because he’ll always be there for us FOREVER!! GOD BLESSINGS ON YOU ALL!
It’s so hard to move on after being hurt . I’m going through a painful breakup I walked away this makes the 3 rd time I have ended it because of the disrespect I was given to me by the man that said he loved me .
But I can not look back or go back I deserve to be treated with respect .