I’ve heard it said that integrity shines brightest upon those acts that are not witnessed by others. You know these kind of people, right?
In other words, it’s standing firm on honor, moral principles and honesty if there are a lot of people watching you or if there’s no one watching you.
Do the right thing, even if no one is looking. It’s called integrity. And there seems to be less and less of it these days. Like the concept of respect, integrity seems to be slipping out of society.
I adore people of integrity. People who treat everyone with kindness and honor. They smile and say “Good Morning!” to the janitor as quickly as they say it to the CEO. Those are my kind of people.
No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.
Have you ever thought someone had integrity, only to find out that they didn’t? It happens to most of us. And when we do finally realize their true character, we are heartbroken.
I once worked with someone that I thought defined the word, ‘integrity’. But I found out I was wrong. I saw his true colors one day at lunch when he mistreated a waitress.
He was terrible to her. It was so bad that I was embarrased for her. I never spoke to him again after that. I severed all business and personal ties with him.
My head wouldn’t let me remain in the business relationship and my heart wouldn’t let me stay in the personal relationship.
When you see someone’s true colors, take it as a sign from God. It is God letting you know that your heart and soul do not align with that person’s heart and soul.
Get away from them. As fast as you can. You don’t want to be around people with no integrity. It wears on you. It makes you stop looking for the good in others.
True integrity treats everyone with honor, dignity and respect. You don’t treat the waitress any differently than you treat the owner of the restaurant.
You don’t treat the mechanic any differently than you do the owner of the car dealership. That’s what integrity does. Living with integrity means you see the value in each and every person.
Spend your time with people who love you, support you and who have integrity. They are the people who support you behind your back, not just to your face.
Sending you blessings of love and kindness from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Well said!! I needed to hear this!!
I am so glad you were able to read it.
Thank you for being here.
You are so right!!!
I really enjoyed reading the post I have preached this and it really needs to be heatd
Thank you so much and thank you for being here.
God bless you.
Amen to everything you expressed. I have been on both sides of the fence and it really taught me what integrity is. I will treat a homeless person with just as much respect as my supervisor. Just do the right thing for all mankind.
This is so well said..I was going through this and I disliked it..
This was nice to hear yes the old has gone that iwhy the world is a mess
Thank you so much for being here.
God bless you.
Spread The Love
Those words are so meaningful and inspirational.
Thank you and thank you for being here
God bless you.
There’s also stay away from self destructive people they will bring you down with them
Absolutely. You are 100% correct.
God bless you.
Absolutely love that. I’m sure I lack integrity in a few ways. This woke me up to a few things no doubt. Thanks. HappyTrails to y’all.
Thank you so much for being here and thank you for your comments.
God bless you and Happy Trails to you also!
Well said. There so many things lacking in today’s world.
Your words about integrity just made my morning & started my day off right! Thank you!
Thank you so much. God bless you and keep you.
I’ll never forget an explanation by the Rev. Billy Graham, possibly not a perfect quote, but we all appreciate things of beauty, be it a Sunrise or Sunset, a beautiful photograph of a lake or waterfall, or a beautiful woman. However, the sin comes in to fact when a person tries to position themselves to be in a circumstance to speak to and meet someone that they shouldn’t, and he said, That’s when and where the sin is committed.
I’ve never heard that by Billy Graham. What a man of God.
I miss him so much.
God bless and keep you.
I love this the most!
Thank you, Shirley.
Thank you for being here.
God bless you and God bless your day.
This meant a lot to me reading this. I have tried for over 50 years to get along with my half sisters and no matter what I do, they have stabbed me in the back every time. Even down to burying our Mother, they took everything and disowned me. Good reading today!
Thank you so much, Sherry.
I understand what you are saying.
Sometimes it is family without integrity. And that’s hard.
Thank you for being here and God Bless You.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful posts! God bless and stay well, Love & prayers, Dian
A beautiful piece, and very well phrased. Love it!
Thank you so much for being here.
God bless you.
That is so true! A lot of people lack integrity these days! It is awful! Thank you for these words today! God BLESS you!💜🙂
Very well said ♥️❤️ Just like every thing else that you write about ! I love to read your posts!
Thank you for a beautiful, timely and true interpretation of a Biblical principle. I enjoyed this very much.
Carol T.
Thank you for the wake up, I needed to hear this. I will add to my prayers tonight for the Lord’s help on being a better Christian & man, husband, father & friend.
I love your posts. It’s refreshing to read things that are pleasant and uplifting. Thank you and God bless you and keep you safe and in good health.
Awesome article! I should be better than I am. Forgive me when I fail. Pray for me and all who come short of the glory of God.
Your words are so inspirational and thought provoking – I appreciate the reminders along the way. Integrity is of utmost importance and unfortunately seems to be hard to find at times. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and words.
Integrity: steadfast adherence to a strict moral & ethical code. God gave it & gave us the power to live by it !
Thank-you for your integrity for reminding everyone what the scriptures say toward being Christ (Yeshua) like in this falling world. Myself have been taken out of the country and placed in the city, damaged badly in the city only to have my country values keep me in check, and using those values to help in the homeless street ministry. Here one sees the acts of Jesus of Nazareth working in people’s lives through the Integrity you talk about.
God bless your ministry.
Charity, I cannot tell you how much I agree with you. There was a person that I thought was a super great woman who was gracious to everyone she worked with. Then we went to a dinner affair with many important people. when the waitress passed by she slid on a napkin that the woman had dropped and refused to pick up. As she did, she spilled a bit of water on the woman’s arm, missing her blouse, etc. but the woman had a total meltdown. She embarassed the waitress to tears over something that really was her of doing. If she had just had picked up the napkin, as anyone would have done, this never would have happened. She called the waitress every word in the book. Finally, I had enough and said: Mother, that is absolutely enough. You dropped the napkin which you should have picked up yourself. Now apologize to this young woman and everyone at the table. Then you can leave the meeting, I will handle it and close the deal as the C E O does not want to work with someone like you. You are no longer handling this project. I have taken it over. You can now go home.
That made me smile.
God bless you.