It’s our favorite day, My Friends. Good Morning and Happy Friday! And it’s not just any Friday. It’s the start of Memorial Day Weekend. I hope this day is the start of a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend.
Decide right now that today is going to be positive, happy and blessed. If you believe it and keep your focus on the positive, you’ll have a blessed day. And don’t let anyone bring you down.
I’m sending Happy Friday and Memorial Day Weekend Hugs your way! This hug is to bring you encouragement and to say, “God is going to bless your Friday and give you a peaceful weekend”.
I hope you can get out and spend a little time in the sunshine with your family and friends. Just a little bit of time to feel the sunshine on your face and see all of God’s beauty around you.
Friday is special. We tend to laugh a little more and relax a little more. Our mood seems to be lighter and we hum our favorite tunes more.
I’m sending you this Friday Memorial Day Weekend hug to remove your worries, to put a smile on your face and peace in your heart.
I also wanted to send a short, simple prayer with this hug. Pray this prayer with me and receive the blessings sent with it:
Dear God, Thank You for bringing us through the week and to this beautiful Friday. We are so thankful to get to see another Memorial Day Weekend.
We are so thankful to be alive and well. And we are so thankful to have a day of remembrance, a day and weekend to honor and remember those who gave all.
Make this Memorial Day Weekend a time of reunion and togetherness. Bring us closer together, not just in physical distance, but in our hearts and minds. Show us that no matter our differences, we are still able to love and be loved.
Remind us that this weekend is about remembrance of those who sacrificed it all so that we may live in a free Country. We are so grateful for all of them.
Remove our worries and fears and place Your peace in our hearts. And show us ways to be a blessing to others. Help us to look for and always see the good in others.
Reach down and touch us with Your healing hands. Remove cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, arthritis, hypertension, lupus and all other illnesses we are struggling with.
Be with my family and friends today and let them feel Your presence. Thank You, Lord, for giving us a blessed Friday and a blessed Memorial Day Weekend.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Whenever you need a hug today or this weekend, I hope you’ll remember this one. Friday Hugs! Memorial Day Weekend Hugs!
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
AMEN 🙏 AMEN 🙏 THANK you Lord Jesus for this day. MAY YOUR hand of healing be on this country and all of you faithful, especially those suffering this weekend.