It amazes me what the human spirit can get through. What we are able to overcome and grow from. Whatever is thrown our way, we are able to bounce back from.
That’s because we are blessed by God. God made us in His image. We’ve been going through some very hard times over the past couple of months.
But God has also blessed us. It may be harder for some to see their blessings right now, but if you stop, be still for a moment and look around you, you’ll see blessings everywhere.
He wakes us up every day. And we wake up in a home. We have food to eat. We have water to drink, clothes to wear and the love of family and friends.
Several months ago, when we were first hearing about the pandemic and we were all ordered to stay home, it seemed as if all of a sudden, we had woken up on a different planet.
The only thing on the news was the possible effects of this virus on our Country and across the world. It became scary for us to turn on the television.
The stay at home orders remained in place for months. We missed out on Easter and Mother’s Day. It was hard on us, especially people who have older parents.
And when we thought things were getting better and places were beginning to open back up, spikes in cases began occurring all over the Country. Most of us weren’t able to celebrate Father’s Day with our father.
The Country has also been dealing with great unrest. This unrest, combined with the pandemic, has created so much stress for us.
We just have to remember: No matter how stressed you are, remember how blessed you are. The more grateful you are, the more blessings you will have.
Happiness is not about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.
Be thankful for the people God has placed in your life. Each and every one is there for a reason. God doesn’t make mistakes with the people He gives you.
If you still have a job, you’re blessed. Millions have lost their jobs. And some will never get them back because the businesses where they worked will not reopen.
If you have the ability to help others, you’re blessed. You have something that someone out there needs. Share your blessings with others.
So, we can look at all the stressful situations around us and allow the stress to define us, or we can choose to feel blessed. I, for one, am choosing to feel blessed. And I am so thankful for my blessings.
Sending you blessings of love, gratitude and prayer from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley