Have you ever reached a point where you feel you just can’t go on? You finish one battle only to begin another. You work through one obstacle only to be confronted with another. You leave one closed door only to be met with another. You feel like you are constantly struggling, right?
But, I’d wager that if you take a step back and try to see your situation from the outside, you’d see periods of time where good times are happening. Times when positive things are happening for you. It’s just hard to see those positive times and things when you feel like you’re constantly getting knocked down.
I fall, but I always rise. I screw up, but I look for the lesson. I’ve been hurt, but I’m still here. I’m a person who is far from perfect, but I’m always, always thankful. Because I’ve learned to recognize the beauty in the struggle…in the journey. ~Jim Willett
Life is a circle of good times and bad times. The bad times always come around, but so do the good times.
I once heard a lecture by a Professor who was lecturing on the power of the mind, on the power of your thoughts. It was one of those life-changing lectures. I’ve thought of it a thousand times and I heard it about 30 years ago. He talked about where you “place” your focus, what you choose to focus on. We can focus on the good and the beautiful or we can focus on the bad and the ugly.
I’ve chosen to place my focus on the beauty in my struggles. You can’t keep struggles from coming your way. Struggles are part of life and you cannot put them off on someone else or avoid them. You just have to learn how to deal with your struggles. Being grateful for every part of your journey–the good and the bad–means you’ve learned life’s biggest lesson. You’re enjoying the journey. You’re not letting the bad times keep you down. You’re rising from the bad times stronger and wiser.
You’re seeing the beauty in the struggle…in the journey.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Love this, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and even though you trip and fall (like mentioned above), get up cause the light is still there waiting for you. With everything I’ve been through in my life if it hadn’t been for that light, the determination to keep going, well, Thank you Jesus for that light
Thank you so much.