Happy Thankful Thursday, My Friends! I am sending hugs your way! If you started your day with a thankful heart, you will find many more things to be thankful for today.
This hug I’m sending you is to say, “Come on! Get up and get going! God is going to do amazing things for you today.”
No matter how bad or good your life may be, wake up each morning and be thankful that you have life. Just be thankful you are breathing, that you are alive.
Did you wake up in a warm home? That’s a blessing. What about the bed you slept in? That’s a blessing. Do you have food to eat, water to drink, and clothes to wear? Blessings.
Sometimes what we take for granted, others are praying for. Be thankful for everything—the little things, the big things and everything in between.
Sometimes we take for granted all the little things we have that are actually blessings. There are millions of people who don’t have a home, who don’t have a bed to sleep in. Some do not have food to eat, water to drink and clothes to wear. But we do.
Some people went to bed last night, but won’t wake up this morning. And others woke up this morning, but won’t make it through the day. Just being alive-just breathing is a blessing. And I am thankful that I am here. I am thankful you are here-that you woke up and that you are able to read this.
You made it to today. You woke up. That’s a blessing. You get another day to walk with God. Another day to spend with your family. Another day to breathe.
And I, for one, am thankful for this day. And I am sending you this hug to say, “I am thankful for you.”
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
I just love this, it is so cute and has lots of positive words.
I’m so glad you are here with us.