Life happens. One day everything is wonderful and the next day something bad happens. That’s just life. None of us can help it.
But, it isn’t what happens to us in life that defines us. It’s how we react to everything that happens to us. We are defined by how we react to the bad things and the good things that happen to us.
Don’t close the book when bad things happen. Just turn the page and begin a new chapter.
No matter how bad things get, you can’t just stop. You can’t close your book. You have to keep moving forward.
Sometimes the things that happen to us are so bad, so painful, that we wonder how we’ll ever move forward again. Our pain debilitates us and we’re stuck.
Don’t get me wrong. We all grieve and some of us grieve longer than others. And no one should ever tell us how long to grieve. Grief is a very personal thing. And grieving lasts longer for some than others. Grief is its own “bad thing in life” and happens to all of us.
Other things like the loss of a job, the loss of a marriage or partnership, the loss of a friendship, family members becoming estranged, and other things in life can all create huge obstacles for us.
And these obstacles can knock us down. But we can’t stay down. We have to get up, dust ourselves off and keep moving forward. Even if we move a little slow or very slow. Keep walking, keep moving forward.
Remember, when you are down, you are never alone. God is always with you. He will never leave or forsake you. When you think He’s left you, you’re wrong. He’s just waiting for you to get up.
You are strong. God has made you strong. Remember how many things you’ve come through. And you’ll come through many more. Just turn the page and begin a new chapter.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Thank You! For Your Words Of Encouragement. Yes. Life Goes On. We Just Have To Keep On Keepin On. God Bless You!
Yes, we do.
God bless you.