Sometimes you may think that the life you were “given” was bad from the get-go, that you didn’t have a chance to make your life good.
But really, we are all given the same life. It’s what we do with it that makes it good or bad. “We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad”. ~Ward Foley.
This quote assumes you’ve reached the age to make your own decisions and can shape your own life. You know right from wrong and you are capable of deciding what is “good” in the world and what is “bad”.
A lot of us start out with deficits as children. You may be born into poverty, abuse, absent parents and other situations that may be obstacles in your young life.
But once you are able to make your own decisions, it’s up to you to make your life good or bad.
I saw a movie the other day about a young man who had grown up in a home of poverty and abuse. They had nothing as children.
They had holes in the floor of their home, they rarely had a hot meal and their clothes were passed down from whatever families gave to the local Church.
On the day he turned sixteen, he walked to a local burger joint and asked for a job. The manager knew his mother and hired him. The manager gave him as many hours as he could.
About six months after starting working, he asked if he could work as late at night as he could because he wanted to see if he could get a job with someone else early in the morning.
When the manager asked him when he planned to sleep, he told him that he’d sleep between his two jobs. The manager knew he needed the money and gave him the late shift.
Before too long, he had saved up enough money for an apartment. He then got his mother and siblings away from his abusive father and moved them to the apartment. And then he worked. And he worked.
That was 45 years ago and he now heads up a major US Corporation. He took his life and made it good.
Whatever life you are given, take it and make it good. Make it beautiful.
Sending you blessings from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
By God’s loving grace I was given a good life! I did not earn it , it was given to me by the Lord! Praise God for this gift! Amen!
I love these versus
It would have been good to know this years ago but we can àll say that….oh the folly of youth….lol Lve Karyn xxx xxx
Charlotte agrees
God bless you.
So true. I really missed the boat and didn’t do something sooner in life instead of letting my past shape me for the worst.
Free will. You choose, you have consequences, lessons, blessings and shaping. God’s plan. His way or your way? God loves you!❤
Live with God in your heart ❤️ and your life and you will be forever blessed.
God giveth all things to those who believe in and serve his purpose in the world.
Making it good! ❤
I was chosen at month’s old I was adopted from a adoption center in Anniston Alabama. I have a blessed great life. God saw to it that I was put in a Godly home. I didn’t deserve it but GOD IS AWESOME..
God Bless You.
Anniston, Alabama is very close to my home.I worked there for a very long time.
Thank you for being here.
Lots of children were lucky enough to be adopted, rather than aborted. It must take SO VERY MUCH COURAGE and stamina to give up one’s own child after carrying for months and going through childbirth. Some Mothers were young and their parents forced them.
I am among the Blessed, raising our children in a 2 parent family, and now enjoying the grandchildren. Some Moms aren’t so lucky as I, they had to give up children for various reasons,…some good, some selfish.
All I can say is for those of you who were adopted, and can srill find your birth mother…please do so. It may bring LOTS of joy, (and understanding) IF you are mature enough to understand the one who gave birth to you, and hear her out.
It may bring some sorrow, and soul searching also. It will bring some much needed closure, history of your roots, family ailments/allergies etc., may add healing to your heart and surely to your birth mothers heart. She maybe had NO CHOICE if she was young, she maybe has searched for YOU for years and adoption documents are locked up, and she has no access.
IF you have had a wonderful life, she should be no threat to you or your adoptive parents…but rather a way to put that “missing” piece of the puzzle into place.
Maybe she can be a new friend, maybe not….. but at least hear her out. A Mother’s heartstrings do not become unattached easily, and she has possibly carried a burden for years, wondering where you are and if you have ever wondered about HER!
And lastly, you can thank her that she did not abort you! God Bless ~
Awesome for you, and what a blessing to be adopted into a loving family!
I had an on again, off again, with a man that I Always Loved, but when he was diagnosed with cancer, He came back to me. He told My Mama & Brother that He had Always Loved Me, & He was so sorry that He had Wasted &Lost So Much time. We Loved Each Other & I took care of Him until He passed away in My Arms. God put Me on this Earth for a Reason, Maybe the Comfort & Love that We gave Each Other was it. I Feel Blessed❤
God gave me to a Christian Mother who taught me the difference between good and bad. We were poor but we were loved. The love of the Lord will take you through what the world puts in your path. You have to choose your path.
You said it very well. WE must choose.
God bless you.
all of those wonderful comments really lifts your spirit and the most
thing in this world you can do is give your life to GOD confess your sins and trust in HIM let him lead the way so we can have an eternal home in HEAven GOD is good all the time
I pray that God always uses me to help someone.
God bless you and keep you.
I did not earn it but I was always blessed with a loving family and enough worldly goods as needed. I was educated by my family and have tried to give back to this world what I have been given in love and resources. The greatest gift we have is our family and friends…and our free country. I thank God every day for these gifts.
You are so right.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you Charity for all the inspiration you give. Have a good day and weekend. Prayers for you and your family and friends. We all need our family and friends to survive whatever comes our way. Thanks again, love 😊❤
Please Pray for me and, my Family…I Love them, I’ve tried to help them…I can’t have a Family get together because, they’re mostly toxic…this breaks my Heart…💔
That s so powerful. I’ve had a hard life but besides all the heart aches .it made me who I am for Jesus . So yesterday is past and tomorrow inst promised . So just live for today and be the best that you can .Because today is called The present . A gift.
Yes, our God is an AWESOME God!