We are blessed to wake up to see this beautiful first Wednesday of September. Good Morning and Happy Wednesday, my friends! Let’s make it a great day!
I pray you can reach out and grab one of these hugs, my friends. These hugs are sent with love and care and are meant to let you know that God cares for you.
Also, I want to pray a short, simple prayer and send it with your hug. Please pray this prayer with me, believe and receive the blessings I am sending with it.
Prayer is so powerful and it is our personal lifeline to God. Prayer can bring about changes that we alone cannot make happen.
Sincere prayer makes miracles happen, renews hope and brings peace to your soul. It brings clarity to confusion and replaces hopelessness with hope.
Dear God, Thank You for another beautiful day. This day is a gift from You and we will use every second to glorify Your name.
We know that all things are possible with You through Christ. We ask You to renew us, bringing good health to us physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially.
Heal everyone who is sick and suffering. Restore their health, let them feel good and bring happiness to their lives.
Remove cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, arthritis, hypertension, lupus, addiction and all other illnesses we are struggling with.
We thank You for always being with us, forgiving us and never leaving us. We are lost without You in our lives. We cannot make it without You.
We will never forget that it is You who makes a way for us. It is You who renews our health and keeps us safe.
I don’t want to be in this world without You, Lord. You stand between us and things that are not good.
You stand between us and chaos and You stand between us and worry. We are so grateful to you.
May we always keep our hearts and eyes focused on You. May we remember that no matter what is going on in our lives, we need to keep You in the center of our lives.
We thank You for never leaving us. For always helping us, for always leading and guiding us, and for always forgiving us.
We thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, so that our sins are forgiven and we may live eternally.
In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
If you get to a place today where you need a hug, imagine this big, caring hug that I am sending to you! Wednesday Hugs!
Sending you love, blessings and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!

Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Amen! I am grabbing one of your hugs so need it and I prayed that beautiful prayer thank you god bless you and yours♥️

Thank you! God bless and keep you!