I have really high days. These days are like I am flying. Everything goes great. Everything is well with all my family, friends and animals and everything is well with my work. And then there are days that I “fall”. These are days when I have something bothering me. Something may be wrong in my […]
I Want A Happy Life
As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned to recognize stress “triggers” for me. People who are always creating drama or who are involved in conflict will bring stress into my life if I allow it. I’ve learned over the years to make sure that I steer clear of the drama and conflict folks. I don’t want […]
Distance Yourself
We’re almost three weeks into 2018 and I’m still doing a little winter cleaning. I want to make sure that all my relationships are healthy and good for me. I don’t want any kind of relationships that are not healthy and positive. And I don’t mean just a little healthy and positive. I want all […]
Quit Worrying
All of us have them. Haters. The people who secretly or not-so-secretly want to see you fail. They pretend that they want you to be successful, but behind your back, they’re hoping you’ll fail. Don’t worry about them. Quit worrying about the people who are trying to hold you back. God knows how to move […]
Give More Than You Take
Have you ever been friends with someone who you now label as a “taker”? Or maybe you were in a relationship with someone who was a “taker” and never a “giver”? Most of us have been there. Either we were in a romantic relationship with someone who “was all about them” and always took from […]
Hug Them With Your Prayers
I’ve had one of those days where I want to reach out to everyone I love and hug them. I want to hug everyone tight and hold the hug for a while. I want to just hug into them my love for them. But a lot of the people I love are spread far and […]
Always Believe
Do you wake up happy? Or are you one of those that needs a wide berth before your first couple cups of coffee? Did you know that one, small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day to a positive day? And that one day can change your week which can change your […]
Let Your Stress Go
Relax. Take a deep breath. Now, exhale. Take another deep breath. Exhale. Let the stress of the day leave your body as you exhale. Let the stress go and release all your tension. Shake it off if you need to. Tonight, let your stress go. Take a step back and remember everything you’ve accomplished. Remember […]
Before You…
Did you mother ever say, “Talk less, listen more” or “You can’t just speak anything that comes into your head…THINK first!” Mine did. As younger people, we have all made incorrect assumptions, made hurtful judgments, hurt others and we’ve all spoken before thinking. Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before […]
Respect Is Earned, Not Given
Where has respect gone? It seems to be a distant concept–something people did “back in the day”. Families don’t seem to have respect among themselves and the way I hear children talk to their parents, parents don’t seem to teach it either. What’s happened? Children and young people do not seem to respect each other […]