Respect the old when you are young. Help the weak when you are strong. Confess the fault when you are wrong. Because one day in life, you will be old, weak and wrong. ~Unknown. I once heard a young man say to an older man, “You’re getting a little older now and you can’t do…” […]
6 Things About Secretariat
If you’re reading this, you may already think that Secretariat was the greatest horse of all time. I’ve read things about him over and over again and I never tire of learning things about him. What an amazing athlete. I don’t believe there will EVER be another horse like him. The Owner Secretariat’s owner was […]
Don’t Ever Forget Your Worth
You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another. Don’t ever forget your worth. Spend time with those who value you. No matter how good you are to people, there will always be one negative person who criticizes you. Smile, ignore them and carry on. ~Unknown Don’t. Ever. Forget. […]
Back In The Day
This time of the year brings back memories of long past days. A time when my curfew was lightning bugs. My parents didn’t call my cell, they yelled my name. I played outside, not online. We said the blessing before every meal. We didn’t text people at the dinner table, we talked to each other. If I didn’t eat what mama […]
Ignore Mean People
Should you ever find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, jealousy, lies and insecurities… DON’T BE MAD. Remember, things could be worse. YOU COULD BE THEM. ~Unknown Read it as many times as you need to. Let it sink in. That’s what I had to do this morning. I read it over and over again. […]
Grandma’s Prayers
Grandma’s prayers are the reason a lot of us are still here. ~Unknown Y’all know this is true. I know it is true for me. My grandmother was a praying woman. She prayed for everything and everyone. When we were little, people would come to our home and ask for mama to pray for them. […]
Always Bless Others
The kindness you give isn’t always the same thing you get in return. Sometimes, it’s more and sometimes, it’s less. Worse, sometimes you get none at all. But remember, God said, “The one who willingly gives is always more blessed than the one who receives.” ~Acts 20:35 Amen. It always makes my day when I […]
Don’t Waste Your Time On Revenge
Don’t waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma. ~Unknown Have you ever felt so wronged that you wanted to plot an elaborate revenge to get the person back? You felt like they just took your heart and shattered it? Or someone spread rumors about you and it […]
Love Your Own Company
Sitting alone and enjoying your own company is better than being surrounded by fake people. ~Unknown Are you comfortable with your own company? No one else…just you. Me too. As a matter of fact, I love my own company. Humans are wired to be social animals. It’s genetic. We can’t help it. Very rarely will […]
There’s Always Hope
I’ve learned from life that sometimes, the darkest times can bring us to the brightest places. That our most painful struggles can grant us the most necessary growth; and that the most heartbreaking losses of friendship and love can make room for the most wonderful people. I’ve learned that what seems like a curse at […]