Have you ever been there? Have you ever found yourself at a place of frustration, about to lose hope with no vision for your future? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there. At some point in our life, we have almost given up on a dream. Because we’ve worked so hard, put in the hours, […]
I’m Hugging You With My Prayers
I’ve had one of those days where I want to reach out to everyone I love and hug them. I want to hug everyone tight and hold the hug for a while. I want to just hug into them my love for them. But a lot of the people I love are spread far and […]
I Want To Be The Best Friend I Can Be
I want to be a good friend to my friends. This is very important to me. I talk to so many people who have lost friendships that are so important to them. And most of the time, their loss is over something so…well, stupid. Friendships are torn apart over the craziest things. To My Friends… […]
A Short Prayer For The Sick Or Hurting
If you’ve been following The Horse Mafia for a while, you know that on each Sunday, I put up a “Prayer For The Coming Week”. I have done it almost since the very beginning of the page. It may be a poster or it may be in video format like the prayer for today. Most Sunday mornings […]
Never Lose Hope…God Is Sending You A Miracle
It ain’t over until God says it’s over. No matter how many times you get knocked down, no matter how many times someone tells you that it’s over, no matter how hard it is to keep going, it ain’t over until God says it’s over. Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, God […]
Do You Wake Up Happy?
Do you wake up happy? I don’t mean do you jump out of bed singing ‘O Happy Day’. I mean, do you wake up with joy in your heart? Except for maybe not getting enough rest, are you happy to start your day, go to work, come home and be with your family? Are you […]
Never Underestimate The Power Of Grandma’s Prayers
I’ve learned from experience. And the “experience” is my entire life. I know the power of prayer prayed by a Godly woman. I know it because I’ve been on the receiving end of it. Grandma’s prayers are the reason a lot of us are still here. ~Unknown What about it? True for you too? My grandmother […]
Let It Go
Relax. Take a deep breath. Now, exhale. Take another deep breath. Exhale. Let the stress of the day leave your body as you exhale. Let the stress go and release all your tension. Shake it off if you need to. Tonight, let your stress go. Take a step back and remember everything you’ve accomplished. Remember […]
Setting Boundaries
I often read blogs and content of Facebook pages about “setting boundaries”. I see things like, “If you don’t set your boundaries, you’ll get run over” or “Make sure you set those boundaries”. I’ve sometimes thought that those quotes and narrative sounded a little cold, that they sound mean or unkind, but I don’t think […]
To Make A Difference, You Just Have To Care
To care. That’s important. Some would say that to care for others is our primary purpose for being here. We are actually commanded by God to love one another. And it’s not just halfway love or halfway like. He commanded us to love one another as He loves us. A new commandment I give […]