I often read blogs and content of Facebook pages about “setting boundaries”. I see things like, “If you don’t set your boundaries, you’ll get run over” or “Make sure you set those boundaries”. I’ve sometimes thought that those quotes and narrative sounded a little cold, that they sound mean or unkind, but I don’t think […]
To Make A Difference, You Just Have To Care
To care. That’s important. Some would say that to care for others is our primary purpose for being here. We are actually commanded by God to love one another. And it’s not just halfway love or halfway like. He commanded us to love one another as He loves us. A new commandment I give […]
I’ve Learned
I’ve learned. A lot. And I learn every day and I pray that I continue to learn every day until the day I die. I never, ever want to be at a place where I stop learning. Isn’t that what life is all about? Learning? In my life, I’ve lived, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve […]
A Prayer To Bless Your Day
Hello, My Friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind, positive people and situations. Did you know that starting your day off with just one positive thought in the morning can change the entire layout of your day? What might have been chaotic can be turned into peace, happiness […]
Keep The Faith And Keep Moving Forward
You are not alone. Sometimes you have to repeat this to yourself over and over again. Sometimes doubt, insecurity, obstacles or heartache make you feel that you do not have a friend in the world. Repeat after me: I am not alone. God is with me. I am not alone. God is with me. God […]
Life Is An Echo
Some people call it Karma. I’ve always felt that the way Life happens for me is that God works in mysterious ways. Life is an echo. Oh yes, it is, my friend. You’ve heard this quote in many versions, I’m sure. What goes around, comes around. What you do to others, will be done to you…and […]
I Am Praying For Your Summer Miracle
Happy Summer! I hope you love Summer as much as I do. It’s my favorite time of the year. Even though I live in the South and we have very high temperatures and high humidity for a lot of the Summer, I still love it. I always have. There’s just something about Summertime that makes […]
Let Go And Let God
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you stressed out, finding it difficult to get all the bills paid, take care of the kids, take care of the animals and try to be present in a relationship? Or are work things making you crazy? Let Go and Let God. Today’s world is so chaotic. Family responsibilities and […]
Life Is Fragile. Handle With Prayer.
We are reminded of the fragility of life in many ways. We may lose someone who we thought would outlive us. A car accident may take a friend that you met for coffee yesterday morning. A loved one may go instantly due to a heart attack. We lose people who are close to us in […]
See The Beauty In The Struggle…In The Journey
Have you ever reached a point where you feel you just can’t go on? You finish one battle only to begin another. You work through one obstacle only to be confronted with another. You leave one closed door only to be met with another. You feel like you are constantly struggling, right? But, I’d wager […]