All of us, at times, carry over worries from the day before into the present day. We may be worried about something going on in the family, our children may have something going on, a friend may be sick, you may have lost a loved one, work may be causing us to worry…the reasons for us carrying over worries are numerous and varied.
But, when we do this, we are doing ourselves a great disservice. There is no way that we can live in the ‘NOW’ and be worried over something from yesterday. Not fully. And we owe it to ourselves to be 100% present in the ‘NOW’.
Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every day is a fresh start. Each day is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our life. ~Unknown.
How many of you sometimes can’t sleep because you are worried about something that happened that day or previously? And then the next day, you feel tired and lethargic because you didn’t get enough sleep because you were too worried to sleep? Can I see a show of hands, please?
I am better than I used to be. And I had to really work on getting to this place. I had to really work on letting things go and letting God handle my worries. And still there are some nights when I have to say over and over to myself, “I will trust in God. I am putting all my faith in Him. He is working things out for my benefit. I will release my worries and doubts and let God handle these issues.”
You have to train your mind and your heart to let God handle those issues that may cause you worry, anxiety or fear. We serve a mighty big God. You have never in the past, you don’t now and you will never in the future have a problem that is too big for God to take care of.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
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