It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning, Happy Friday! It’s our last Friday of August and I pray it is a beautiful start to your Labor Day weekend. Let’s claim a weekend of God’s blessings right now!
No matter what happens today, don’t let anyone bring you down. Keep smiling, keep moving forward, keep trusting God and His plan for your life.
I’m sending Friday hugs your way. All Friday hugs are special, but these are even more special since they are sent to start your Labor Day Weekend off with a smile.
I want to pray a short prayer for your day. Please pray this prayer with me and believe that God hears our prayers, He is faithful and He is in control.
Dear God, This Friday is a gift from You. It is so wonderful to wake up knowing that You’ve given me another day to live. You’ve brought us to the end of another month, another week and we are thankful.
Thank You, Lord, for giving us the lifeline of prayer. We are so thankful that we can go to You in prayer anywhere and any time.
We need You in every part of our lives. We need You in our homes, our schools, our workspaces, our Churches and everywhere in between.
Reach down and touch us with Your healing hands. Remove cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, arthritis, hypertension, lupus, addiction and all other illnesses we are struggling with.
And renew our energy, rejuvenate us and increase our zest for life. In the upcoming new month, September, let us feel like our bodies are reenergized and we have more time to do the things we want to do.
Lord, many of us feel that there is a lot of chaos in the world that worries us and puts fear in our hearts.
But, we will keep our eyes focused on You and not let all the chaos of the world enter our hearts and minds. We want to trust You on the good days as well as the bad days.
Remove our worries, anxieties and fears. We want our trust to be so strong in You, that fear cannot enter our hearts.
Bless all of us economically and financially. Give us all the ability to financially provide for our families and meet needs.
Be with us all today and this Labor Day Weekend and strengthen our faith in You. Renew our hope and recharge our soul.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Even though I am not with you physically, I pray that you feel this hug and the blessings sent with it. This hug is caring and meant especially for you. Friday Hugs!
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!

Charity M. Richey-Bentley
May God bless you!
Thank you so much for this wonderful hug and beautiful prayer. May God bless you all the days of your life!