You may think that you didn’t get enough done today. You did. Tonight, don’t worry over what you think you’ve left undone.
Worrying isn’t going to help anything. Worrying isn’t going to make more “stuff” get done. What’s done is done. You can start again tomorrow.
Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.
Whenever I start feeling like I haven’t gotten enough done during the day, I stop to read this. I keep it beside my computer in my office.
I remind myself that no matter what I could have done differently or what I should have done differently, what’s done is done. There isn’t one thing I can undo that is already done.
Pray about anything that is bothering you and turn it over to God. He tells us that He will bear our burdens for us in Matthew 11:28:
Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. ~Matthew 11:28.
Trust in His word and Trust in His promises. He will bear your burdens and give you peace so that you may rest peacefully and wake refreshed.
God keeps His promises. Every single one. Sometimes, you may start feeling like you can go no further. You must stop to remember His promise to you.
He will bear your worries for you. He will take your worries from you and give you such peace that your heart and soul become light.
God won’t leave you during your hard times. When you are worried about something, He’s still there. And He is waiting for you to lean on Him.
Once you turn everything over to Him, you can rest better. Your sleep restores you. You wake up feeling lighter and happier.
Your problems may still be there, but you know that God has everything taken care of. He’s got your back. He is working everything out for you. Trust Him.
The morning light has a way of making things look better. My grandmother used to tell us, “Don’t make any decisions before you’ve prayed and slept on it a night”. Prayer and rest helps you with any decision.
Good Night & God Bless, My Friends!
Sending you blessings of peace, love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
How lovely and inspiring ur message was.. huga amd.thank u
I will love to be member
Just make sure you “like” and “see first” the The Horse Mafia facebook page.
Thank you for being here.
Good night Hod bless. Thank you!
Thank you so much for all your beautiful post’s.God bless you. And Good night.🙏✝️
Thank You for the daily words of inspiration & comfort. They really help to encourage. Some days I do feel like you described above (can go no further) then I’ll read The Horse Mafia and it makes me feel better. 💟
Thank you so much for that.
Thank you for being here.
Thank You ever so much! I was not able to sleep and thinking of all the chores I could do to divert my sadness. Just Keep Busy.
I room a moment to sit and read face book messages, how glad I am that I did. Your message reminded me that I can rest and do it tomorrow.
I have been so sad. I drag myself through my chores. I cried yesterday in the line at the supermarket. Because, I used to love to grocery shop. It was a pleasant part of my week. I would get away from home. I could plan the meals and it was clean and orderly and cheerful.
Now, It’s oppressive.
I can’t cry in front of the others in my home. Just need to remember that all thinks are possible for those who love the Lord.
You are in my prayers. God hasn’t left you. He is still with you and will always be.
You said it all-With God, all things are possible.
Goodnight sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite you. God bless.
Thank you for reminding me to put my worry in God’s hands. Feeling blessed!
What an inspiring message.
God bless, praying for peace for everybody♥️🙏
God bless you.
Thank you so much for being here.
God bless you.