So, how rich are you? I don’t mean in money, I mean how rich are you in the happiness category? Very? Just a little bit rich? I have to say that I am very rich. Because I am very, very happy.
Of course, I have days when I feel like there have been more withdrawals from my happiness “account” than deposits, but, for the most part, I am one happy little girl.
There are so many “things” that make me happy. My family is healthy, my friends are true and supportive and, most importantly, for me, I draw closer to God every single day. His grace and favor cover me daily.
Happiness really is the new rich. I know a lot of people who are rich in money, but they are so unhappy. They spend a lot of their time alone because they can’t trust people to love them for them and not the money.
Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.
And when you’re happy, when you truly understand that life is about the journey and finding happiness in your journey, you have inner peace. You have truly become successful when you understand that having inner peace in your heart, soul and mind is what brings you success.
I thank God for my health every single day. I work a lot and I tend to wear myself completely down. So, I have been very blessed to maintain my health. I sometimes feel tired, but I also feel good.
As you grow older, you realize that your health is wealth that cannot be replaced by any other kind of wealth.
I heard from someone who lost material things and all possessions in the storms in Tennessee. But she wasn’t crying and upset about losing her home, clothes and a lot of memories. She was just so thankful that she, her husband and children all made it through without a scratch. She just kept saying, “I am so thankful we are alive and healthy.”
If you can be anything in this world, be kind. Be kind to all living things. It really is the new cool.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Good morning Charity. You do do much for me. I appreciate your messages. It is always so uplifting. Dont even know you but I love you. Keep it up.