Good Morning, my friends! Happy Monday of Holy Week! This is a blessed day. This day in history was the day Jesus cleansed the temple and designated it as a house of prayer.
And it was the second day into Jesus Christ’s last week of earthly ministry. It was one day closer to His death and resurrection.
I’m sending out Holy Week Hugs to you! I pray that this hug brings a smile to your face and peace to your heart. And I pray that you reach out and get one of these hugs whenever you need it.
This Holy Week is very different from our past ones. We are going through this blessed time as we comply with stay at home orders.
And it feels so strange. I’ve received so many comments about how sad people are because they were unable to attend Palm Sunday services at their Churches. And I get it.
Remember that God is still in control and Christ is still risen! Try to focus on each day of Holy Week and remember what each day signifies:
Then Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves.
And He declared to them, “It is written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer.’ But you are making it a ‘den of thieves’”. ~Matthew 21:12-13.
With this hug, I am praying a simple prayer that you feel peace and calm during your Holy Week Monday: Dear God, Thank You for this beautiful new day, this beautiful new week.
We humbly ask that You bring peace and calm to our hearts on this blessed day and this blessed week, Holy Week. We are trying not to worry, but it is so hard.
We are trying not to be afraid, but it is so hard. Let Your peace replace our worries and fears. Help us to remember that You are with us, You are in control and You can heal Your people.
Bless us so that we may bless others and let us serve as Your light so that others may find their way in these dark times. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
With this hug, I pray that God blesses you and heals you. And whenever you need it, close your eyes and remember this Holy Week Monday hug and this prayer.
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Thanks for the positive outlook
Thank you so very much for your hugs and daily prayers! It means a lot to me each day! God bless you! Hugs and prayers to you!
Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed day.
These posts have been so encouraging i look forward to them in the mornings, i reshare on FB to encourage others. Thank you God bless you all.
Thank you Jackie
That was truly a blessing to me my God bless you so that you can continue to bless others. Thank you.
Thank you so very much for hugs and prayers! It means a lot to know someone cares and love the account of Jesus life and that he died to save me.
Thank you for the prayers an hugs
Thanku for these messages they really mean a lot to me. ❤❤❤
Thank you for that message. It’s one I’m definitely going to take to heart and share. God Bless.
To day is our 47 Anniversary. And We want to thank you for the prayers This will be a beautiful Holy Week as we put our faith and trust in Jesus and thank him for Salvation!
Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless you.
Thank you for a lovely reminder of True meaning of this Holy Week. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Thank you Charity,
What a beautiful reminder of Holy Week. Bless us all and remember that Jesus died on the cross for us! Oh how he must have suffered! Pray for for All of us, especially this week and thank the dear lord for his blessing!
Hugs to You All!
Amy J Fox
I needed this hug in a big way today. And it was a lovely reminder that our God heals, He is bigger than any of our worries and fears. Thank You, Lord, I will love and honor you always! 🛐
Thank you for the hug but especially for the prayer.we all need both at this time.Bless you
Thank you God for this, please Father God forgive and heal the world in these darkening days help us to stay focused on you amid the chaos and fear,in Jesus name I pray for the peace jesus promised to his disciples and to his followers to fill the hearts of every believer today and for the lost to find their way today in numbers that would surpass those who are fighting this virus today in Jesus Mighty, Powerful, and Precious name I pray, Amen!!!
This is a great light at the end of the tunnel ! Thank you !
Amen❤You are such a blessing to share these sweet words and prayers🥰🕊🙏😷🙏🌍🌎🌏
Remember What Jesus Suffered For All ! And Jesus Said; :Forgive All, And Then Ask His Father ,In Heaven. Why Have You For shaken Me! He Died For All Sins! But , On Easter Sunday,He Roses!!! Hugs! Faith& Love!
Thank. you. I could use a lot of hugs from God right now.
I need him to take away the pain and fear I am feeling.
A great big hug to you. Thanks for the prayers
Thank you for your daily hugs. Your prayers touch me each day. Thank you and may God bless you and your family.
Thank you Jesus
A wonderful reminder of this special week, and we are not alone.
Thank you for this message Pam! It brought a smile to my face and peace to my heart! I hope you have a blessed day and week! Stay healthy! Love and miss you!
May everyone have a blessed Easter week, pray for those in need an thank you for these prayers an hugs for our Holy week🙏🏻
Thank you for sharing! Hugs and prayers for you and all with the Holy Week starting. ❤️🤗
Happy Holy Week to you as well!
Thank you my friend for sending this precious prayer and hugs. I send this back at you for your big hug. We all need God’s love for God Is Good and our Heavenly Father.
May the good Lord keep all of us safe and healthy and look forward to the rest of Holy Week. We pass the love and hugs along plentifully…
Thank you for reminding us of this very holy time. Let us remember the sacrifice made for each of us, and use this quarantine time to reestablish our relationship with our God and set things right again.
We’re buried in the precious name of Jesus for the remission of sins .. to arise to walk with Him in newness of life. Where are our minds dwelling, for He did not stay bound in the grave? To pay a debt He did not owe led Him to become our sacrifice-offering upon the cross, which made us HIS purchased possession… But He did not stay there, nor did He stay captive bound by death !!
We Celebrate marvel of His resurrection for we’re not bound by chains anymore … I want to see GOD’s FULL TRUTH, bravely declared!! Anyone speaking of a happy holy week/ happy Good Friday as someone astonishingly wished me today, needs to walk in full adherence in HIS full gospel, for which He paid so dear a price ! Ho! …everyone who’s thirsty: Buy the Truth, Own the Truth& Sell it not, to hear HIM say someday, “Well done, thou good & faithful servant, enter in to the joys of thy Lord !” you’ll hear Him call you UP Someday when He calls His own UP, Up someday they shall go …!
‘Til His Kingdom !