As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned to recognize stress “triggers” for me. People who are always creating drama or who are involved in conflict will bring stress into my life if I allow it. I’ve learned over the years to make sure that I steer clear of the drama and conflict folks.
I don’t want to be around drama, conflict or stress. I want to be around happy people, have happy times, and a happy life. ~Unknown
Allowing drama-filled and conflict-riddled people into your circle will create stress for you, no matter how hard you try to keep it at bay. You may not even realize it until it is too late and the person or situation has snuck into your mind and now you’re stressed!
Of course, sometimes, you want to be a listening ear, a shoulder for someone or just be there for someone. I’m not talking about someone who needs your help. I understand that we help our friends and look out for them so that they don’t face burdens alone.
I’m talking about people who live a life of drama and conflict. I know people who without drama and conflict in their life, they would have no life. And that is not the way I want to live. When you allow yourself to stay in drama-filled and conflict-filled situations, you take that stress into your mind, heart and soul. You want to help, but there isn’t anything you can do to help them, so your stress is increased because you feel helpless.
Take it from one who has learned the hard way: remove yourself from this type of situation. If you cannot help and you have become stressed about it, remove yourself. Get away from the situation.
Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health. Too often it eats away at our hope, belief and faith. ~Charles F. Glassman
Spend your time around happy people, create beautiful memories, have happy times and a happy life.
Sending you drama-free blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Copyright © Charity M. Richey-Bentley 2018
Well said