Whether you’re going slow and easy, or you’re running hard and fast, you must maintain a balance in your life. If you can’t find a balance, you burn out–quick. Trust me, I speak from experience.
You can’t work all the time. Sometimes you must rest. You have to get away from work every now and then or you’ll suffer burnout.
It’s the same way with other things in life. Things like kindness, trust and self-contentment must all be balanced.
Life is all about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.
I consider myself a kind person. I’ve never had to work at being kind because that’s the way I was raised. We were taught to live a life a kindness and to spread it around. I lived that way as a young girl and I live that way today.
The problem with living a life of kindness is that people tend to know that you are a kind person. And there are some people who will abuse your kindness.
I thank God that there are more truly kind people in the world than those who abuse others’ kindness, but they do exist.
Always, always strive for kindness, but never, ever let it be abused. Find and keep your balance.
Trust is a hard one. We have to be able to trust. Life is an emotional roller-coaster if you can’t trust anyone.
I tend to live under the mantra of “Trust until it’s been proven that you can’t”. I do my best to stick to this.
You have to listen to your gut when it comes to trust. If your gut tells you that someone is not trustworthy, listen. Give that person some space. Their true colors will come out. Find and keep your balance.
As we get older, we tend to be more self-content. We’re happy where we are in life. But don’t get so content that you stop improving yourself. I pray every day to be a better person than I was yesterday. That helps me find and keep the balance.
Sending balanced blessings to you from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
What a wonderful blessing learning balance in our life is most important as we go about our daily lives
Thank you and thank you for being here!