Let’s slow down for a second. Inhale and slowly exhale. Just breathe. Isn’t our world fast? Today everything just seems to be so sped-up! You hurry to get showered and dressed for your day. You hurry through your first cup of coffee. You hurry to get out the door, drop the kids off and hurry to work. You hurry all day long to meet deadlines, to get projects finished, to make your conference calls, your meetings and answer emails. You hurry to get through traffic to get home, you hurry to get dinner done, you hurry to eat, you hurry through the dishes, you hurry to bed and when you wake up, it starts all over again.
We just hurry through our lives. Sometimes, I think we do it and don’t even realize it. It has become a way of life, a lifestyle.
As I was out in the pastures a couple of days ago with my babies, I found myself hurrying. I don’t know why I was hurrying–I guess I was trying to stay within a certain timeframe for the Facebook video. While I was in the pasture, I went live to update everyone on the horses and just say hello. And while I was doing it, I found myself rushing and trying to get as much done with the video as I could in a short amount of time. But I caught myself and I slowed down. I took a few deep breaths and let go of the “Facebook perfect video length” and just had fun showing y’all everything. It made the video so much more enjoyable.
I vowed today that I am going to start spending more time on those “things” that help me slow down–those things that have so much to offer in our fast-paced world.
Old roads, old dogs, old folks and old ways still have a lot to offer in this sped-up world we all live in. ~Unknown
This blog’s photo is a photo of one of the old roadbeds on my home place. It curves around into the back pastures on the property. I spent thousands of hours on these roads growing up. I rode for hours and hours and there’s not a place on the planet that brings me more peace than these old roads. I am so blessed to still call this property home. I can get on a horse and start on one of these old road beds and my stress immediately leaves me. It’s my plan to continue to ride and walk these roads as long as I can.
I have always loved dogs. And I love puppies, but older dogs are such a treasure for me. If you’ve followed us for a while, you know that I lost two beloved Yorkies in 2016, Tori and Jayce. And I now have Chloe, Fifi and Katie who have helped my heart heal and who makes me laugh every single day.
But my mother has a dog, Moses (we call him Mo) who is older. And he loves me. And, as strange as it sounds, I believe he knows that I was sad after losing Tori and Jayce and he was so sweet to me. He is such an old soul and seems so wise. I love him so. He and Chloe love each other and play the whole time they are together.
And my favorite “old folk” would have to be my grandmother who left this world in 2005. I still miss her every day and always remember all the old sayings she had. Mama (we called our grandmother “mama”) was one of the two strongest women I have ever known and gave so much to the raising of us four girls. Still today, especially at this time of year, I remember her sitting on the front porch, shelling peas and drinking sweet tea. And we were always talking about something–something of importance. Just thinking about mama brings me peace.
And “old ways”…I have decided to write my friend a letter. Yes, actually write a letter instead of sending a text or email! Can you imagine?!
You won’t have to look really hard to find something that helps you slow down. It may be a place, a person, an animal or an old way of doing things…but find it. Find it for your health, your peace of mind and your happiness!
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Copyright © Charity M. Richey-Bentley 2018
This is so beautiful and real that I am crying! Everything that you wrote hit me hard and touched my heart deeply. I just became an official Breast Cancer survivor after 6 scary years and 8 surgeries. But I am so very grateful that God is letting me spend more time with my family, my horses ( a rescue Percheron Draft & a rescue Belgian Draft), as well as all my other animals. They all played a huge part in my recovery. Life does go by so very fast. Way to much time is spent rushing around doing things that we thing have to be done right this very minute………. but in reality are things that nobody will really care about down the road. But what we WILL remember are the warm memories spent with loved ones, and kindnesses that are done by us and for us. And the animals? If everyone would just stop everything they are doing and just watch and listen to them- REALLY pay attention to them- us humans would learn so much about goodness and love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️