I had decided to pretty much stay out of any conversation regarding the Donald Sterling/LA Clippers scandal. But, I think it is important to talk about things that REALLY MATTER. AndI feel obligated that I should sometimes start these conversations. J As I was waiting out the storms last night, I watched news—broadcast after broadcast—about […]
The Horse Mafia Blog
Easter – Wonderful Childhood Memories & A Day for Rejoicing!
Easter – Wonderful Childhood Memories & A Day for Rejoicing! Easter has always been a special time for me and my family. Growing up, there were six women in our home. My grandmother, Jewell Kathryn Wilcox Wiggins, my mother, Janet S. Betz and me and my three sisters, Faith, Hope and Joy. Yes, those names […]
Sometimes I think our 4-legged babies know when we’re sad…
Sometimes I think our 4-legged babies know when we’re sad… Have you ever had that thought? That somehow they just know? That somehow they feel what you feel and they, in some way, want you to know it? I’ve always felt this way about my horses. This time of year is always a little sad […]
My Visiting Deer
My Visiting Deer…I have bird feeders set up outside my office. I love watching the birds fly in, sit for a little bit, peck at the food and fly out again. Over the past few weeks, the birds have had to compete with a herd of deer that use my surrounding property on their […]
Pay It Forward…
Pay It Forward…Hello, EVERYONE! It has been a while since my last blog entry. But, my life has been so busy (it’s all GOOD) and I’ve not been able to find the time to blog.For the past three weeks, I’ve been trying to find the time to tell you about a terrible experience at McDonald’s […]
IF THE BIRDS THAT HAVE SO LITTLE CAN BE SO HAPPY… Today has been a little unusual for us–OK it has been VERY UNUSUAL. We very rarely get the occasional snowflake. But today we got blowing snow, icing roads and about 2-3 inches in snow accumulation. Everything–and I do mean EVERYTHING–shuts down in Alabama when […]
OLD BARNS, PAW-PAWs, SPECIAL LITTLE GIRLS and HORSES… A short story by Charity M. Richey-Bentley Copyright © 2014 Charity M. Richey-Bentley For me, Sunday afternoons tend to be either spent on a horse or spent on back country roads taking photos. Yesterday, I spent late morning time with my horses, loaded up my camera bag and […]
New Beginnings…
Hello! Welcome to The Horse Mafia’s blog! If you are here, then that means that The Horse Mafia has launched its website! It is January 5, 2014 and I am beginning a new journey…a journey that God has been preparing me for…and I am GRATEFUL–beyond words GRATEFUL! I have for more than 30 years worked […]
Test Post with Product
This is a test post where we’ll insert a product for sale.