Good Morning, my friends! Happy Friday! It’s going to be a glorious day. It’s going to be blessed, positive, filled with happiness and it is going to be a beautiful start to your weekend!
I’m sending Happy Friday Hugs your way! This hug is to bring you encouragement and to say, “God is with us, He loves and cares for us and He is working things out for us”.
If the restrictions have been lifted in your area and you are able to get out today, congratulations! I hope that if you feel safe, you get out, feel the sunshine and do whatever brings a smile to your face!
Even if we’re still staying in place, Friday is special. We tend to laugh a little more and relax a little more. Our mood seems to be lighter and we smile more.
I’m sending you this Friday hug to bring peace to your heart, to encourage you to let your worries and fears go and stay focused on God.
I also wanted to send a short, simple prayer with this hug. Pray this prayer with me and receive the blessings sent with it.:
Dear God, Thank You for bringing us through the week and to this beautiful Friday. You’ve protected us, blessed us and given us the strength to keep going.
We are so thankful for Your protection during this pandemic. We thank You for keeping us safe. We thank You for our food, our water, and shelter.
We thank You for keeping our family and friends safe and protected from the virus. We thank You for giving Your strength to all the healthcare providers who have cared for the sick.
We are trusting in You for everything. Restore our jobs, our finances and our ability to start again. Give us Your strength so that we are even stronger than we were before.
Once it is safe for us to go out, keep us healthy and strong. Make all our spaces safe and free from all harm.
Be with my family and friends today and let them feel Your presence. Make our Friday a beautiful start to a beautiful weekend. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Even though I can’t physically be with you all, I still want to send you out a Friday hug to let you know that God loves you and I love you too. Friday Hugs!
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Always enjoy your beautiful messages , Every day, And coping with this virus every day it’s been six weeks since we’ve been in quarantine itchy thank goodness I believe in God. And this too will pass. Be safe and thanks again for your encouragement through this difficult time god’s blessings BC amen
You always help me through the days, of having to stay at home everyone else. God Bless
I am so glad it helps.
God bless you.
This has been a tough time for us all. But it has been toughest for our health-care workers. I thank God them.
Thanks for this wonderful prayer! And right back to you as well. Enjoy your blessed week end . Ambassador for Christ! Evon
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.
God Bless us all on the first day of May. Amen
Thank you for keeping us safe and healthy Amen
Yes I do believe in God and I also believe that a lot of this is happening because so many people asked him to leave out of our lives like our schools and all the other stuff I don’t need to say it we all know it but we asked him to leave now we’re begging him to come back I just hope that everybody realizes and learns how much we really do need God Our Lives I believe God is doing this like a test basically restarting Our Lives and giving us a chance too slow down re think and maybe learn how to make sure we always have time for ourselves and our family this is proof right here that we need each other so hopefully when this is over we don’t jump right back into our bad habits God bless everyone stay safe and clean🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for your comments.
God bless you.
May 1, 2020
Thank you so much for all the encouraging that you post for us to read. Blessings are a beautiful way to start the day. Anyway thank you again. May you have a Blessed day.
Thank you so much for love filled encouraging words. I’ve been blessed by your messages. I pray for God to bless you & your family.
Things are S-L-O-W-L-Y moving in the direction of Normal. Okay, so it might be a while but a step’s a step. I’ll do the social distancing but I’m getting outside.
On the UP side, people working from home means my work schedule is an utter JOY! Stuff gets done sooner and I get to go home early on a FRIDAY!
Thank you for Friday Hugs. Monday Hugs give us Comfort. Friday hugs help us celebrate. I’m good either way!
Thank you so much for your comments. I appreciate you.
God bless you.
Thanks for being obedient to your call.
God bless you.
Hi, thanks, that prayer is hope to me, reminding me of this fig tree that doesn’t bud,n the vines that have not grapes, n the olive crop that fails, the fields have no crop, no sheep in the pen, no cattle in stalls, your prayer sir, brings me here-yet I will rejoice in the Lord God my saviour.