It’s our favorite day, My Friends! Good Morning! Happy Friday! And it’s not just any Friday. It’s July 4th Weekend!
Decide right now that today is going to be positive, happy and a beautiful start to your weekend. And don’t let anyone bring you down.
I’m sending Happy Friday and July 4th Weekend Hugs your way! This hug is to bring you encouragement and to say, “God is going to bless your Friday and give you a peaceful weekend”.
I hope you live in an area in which you are able to get out a little bit for the weekend. Just a little bit to feel the sunshine and to celebrate a little.
Friday is our favorite day and we tend to laugh a little more and relax a little more. Our mood seems to be lighter and we hum our favorite tunes more. Today and this weekend, I will be humming “God Bless The USA!”
I’m sending you this Friday July 4th Weekend hug to remove your worries, to put a smile on your face and peace in your heart.
I also wanted to send a short, simple prayer with this hug. Pray this prayer with me and receive the blessings sent with it:
Dear God, Thank You for bringing us through the week and to this beautiful Friday. We are so thankful to get to see another July 4th Weekend.
We are so thankful to be alive and well. Thank You for bringing us through these difficult times. We know that You have protected us and provided for us.
Make this July 4th Weekend a time of celebration, reunion and togetherness. Even if we must still practice social distancing, bring us closer together.
Help us remember that we are able to celebrate our Country’s Independence because of others who have fought for us and those who still fight to keep us free.
Bless everyone who is suffering from the effects of the virus. For those who have lost jobs, open doors of opportunity for them.
Lord, the past few months have been really hard for us. We have been separated from our families, we’ve lost our sources of income and we’ve all been dealing with a lot of stress.
Take our stress away and place Your peace in our hearts. For all who are sick and suffering, touch them with Your healing hands.
We ask that You touch this great Nation and heal the divide, the pains, the stress and everything that needs healing.
Be with my family and friends today and let them feel Your presence. Make our Friday a beautiful start to a beautiful July 4th Weekend. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Whenever you need a hug today or this weekend, I hope you’ll remember this one. Friday Hugs! July 4th Weekend Hugs!
Sending you blessings of love and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!
Charity M. Richey-Bentley
beautifully written. More Love less Hate, more union less division, more compassion, more justice for everyone. We are all Americans- just different ethnic backgrounds,- all of which can make us a better nation if we are willing to work with one another, Peace and Love for all of us.
Beautiful prayer. Exactly what we need. Thank you.
Good Morning. God Bless You!
If you don’t mean it don’t say it or anything . Each and every one of us has the ability to make someone’s day or pick someone up who is down ! And hate is a very ugly word , so if you hate , than it is you who must change your heart and mind . Hate revenge and manipulation are the catalyst to wars and persecution of ones faith and love . Here in America 🇺🇸 you have the opportunity to be heard but what you say is important to those you open your mouth to . People waste so much time on these things and much more negativity . Heal your heart and mind by changing your the color of your heart ❤
Hear, hear!
God bless you.
Thank you for your hugs and prayers. May you have a blessed and happy 4th of July weekend 🙏🙏🇺🇲🇺🇲💜💜
Happy 4th of July.
Have a greater Fourth of July 9
God bless you and thank you for being here.
Hi have a fun n happy holiday to all over
Thank you so much.
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.
Happy 4th of July!!! Happy birthday America!!!! Plz be safe!!!🙂🤗🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.
How nice it is to say we are still a free country, only In America Thank God for Donald Trump and the good old USA.
Thank you for being here.
God bless and keep you.
Thank you this beautiful prayer. God bless you, too!
Bobbie & Sonny
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.
God bless u and ty for remembering us we are all doing good u take care and ty for the lovely prayer we are staying at home where it is cool
Thank you for being here.
God bless you.