Happy Tuesday, my friends! Good Morning. I pray you have a positive day filled with happy moments, kindness and love. If you are like most of us, you are staying home today and keeping yourself and others safe. Let’s all hope that our isolation ends soon. That we are able to be with our family, […]
Happy Tuesday
Holy Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning, my friends. It’s Holy Tuesday! I pray you have a positive day filled with happy moments, kindness and love. Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week are the days less talked about, but what happens on each of those days is all part of God’s plan for His Son, Jesus, to ultimately be crucified […]
Tuesday Hugs
Happy Tuesday, my friends! Good Morning. I pray you have a positive day filled with happy moments, kindness and love. If you are staying home today, be blessed and thank God for the home you are in. Remember that today is not just any old day. This day and every single moment within the day […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Tuesday Morning, my friends! I’m sending Tuesday hugs your way! I pray your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind people and positive situations. Today is not just any old day. This day and every single moment within the day are gifts from God. Look at every single second as a second to […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Tuesday! I am sending Tuesday hugs your way. Believe that your day is going to be a blessed and positive one. Let your first thoughts be of gratitude and positivity. Your early morning, positive thoughts will impact your whole day—in a very good way. Sometimes it can be hard to […]
Tuesday Hugs
I’m sending Tuesday Hugs your way! Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Tuesday! I hope your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind people and positive situations. Today, no matter what happens, keep smiling! Your smile not only makes you feel better, but it also brightens the day for everyone you meet. I once heard […]
Tuesday Hugs
Hugs matter and I have one just for you! I’m sending Tuesday Hugs your way. Good Morning, My Friends. Your Tuesday is going to be blessed. Believe it and receive it. Start your day with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. As you are starting your morning, remember what a […]
Tuesday Hugs
Need a hug? Well, I’ve got you covered. I’m sending Tuesday Hugs your way! Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Tuesday! I am praying that your Tuesday is blessed, filled with kind people and happy moments. If you had something negative happen yesterday, don’t let it follow you into today. You’ll do yourself a great disservice […]
Tuesday Hugs
I’m sending Tuesday Hugs your way! Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Tuesday! I hope your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind people and positive situations. I wanted to pray a short, simple prayer to bless your Tuesday. A Prayer To Bless Your Tuesday: Dear Lord, Thank You for the gift of today. Thank […]
Tuesday Hugs
I’m sending out Happy Tuesday Hugs! Hello, My Friends! Happy Tuesday! I hope your day is blessed and filled with Heaven’s perfect gifts. I have great expectations today. Because I have great faith that we are going to experience God’s favor. I believe that in everything we do today, we are going to be blessed […]