Good Morning on this last Monday of August, my friends! Yes, it’s Monday, but we woke up so that makes it a blessed Monday! We are blessed to see this new day, this new week.
Decide right now that today and every day this week is going to be blessed. No matter what happens, don’t let anyone bring you down and don’t let anyone take you out of your peace.
Remember, being thankful is a choice. You can look around where you are right now and see all your problems or you can see all your blessings.
And believe me, my friends, you have many blessings. First and foremost, you woke up. You’re here with many of your other friends and you are alive and breathing.
I’m also sending a prayer with your hug. Pray this prayer with me, believe, and receive the blessings sent with it.
Dear God, We thank You for waking us up. We are thankful that You woke us up and let us see this last Monday of August and this new week.
Today, Lord, we are praying that You pour out Your blessings of peace, joy and happiness and this week is blessed and productive for all of us.
Place a shield of protection around our families and friends. Protect us from anyone or anything that isn’t meant for our good. Take all that is meant to hurt us and turn it around for our good.
Give us the strength we need to be victorious in each day of the week. We know that You want us to be happy, peaceful and walking with You.
Reach down and touch us with Your healing hands. Remove cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, lung disease, kidney disease, arthritis, hypertension, lupus and all other illnesses we are struggling with.
Heal us in ever part of our lives, Lord. Heal our broken hearts, our broken relationships and our broken families. Help us live every day in a way that is pleasing to You.
We know, Lord, that no matter what we have going on in our lives, You have not left us. We will always remember that You will never leave us or forsake us. We can count on You.
We love You, Lord, we trust in You and we are going to live each day of this week for Your glory. We will use Your love in our hearts to make this world a better place.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Today, whenever you need a hug, remember that this one is here for you. And remember that God loves you, cares for you and He will never leave you. Monday Hugs!
Sending you love, blessings and gratitude from Sterrett, Alabama!

Charity M. Richey-Bentley
Love this saying
God bless and keep you.

Thank you so much for being here.