About twice a year I take a look at all my relationships. Both my personal relationships and my business/professional ones. I want to make sure that all my relationships are healthy and good for me. I don’t want any kind of relationships that are not healthy and positive. And I don’t mean just a little […]
The Horse Mafia Blog
I Am So, So Thankful
Sometimes I am feeling so blessed that I just have to stop what I am doing and thank people for all they do. People who make my life better, easier, happier just by being in it. I am thankful to those special people in my life who support me, uplift me, comfort me and bring […]
I’ve Learned
I’ve learned. A lot. And I learn every day and I pray that I continue to learn every day until the day I die. I never, ever want to be at a place where I stop learning. Isn’t that what life is all about? Learning? In my life, I’ve lived, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve […]
A Prayer To Bless Your Day
Hello, My Friends! Happy Monday and Happy New Week! I hope your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind, positive people and situations. Did you know that starting your day off with just one positive thought in the morning can change the entire layout of your day? What might have been chaotic can be […]
Grandma’s Prayers
I’ve learned from experience. And the “experience” is my entire life. I know the power of prayer prayed by a Godly woman. I know it because I’ve been on the receiving end of it. Grandma’s prayers are the reason a lot of us are still here. ~Unknown What about it? True for you too? My grandmother […]
The Best Things In Life
I hope you are having a blessed Saturday. I hope you are surrounded by the people you love and cherish, I hope you feel loved and appreciated and I hope you continue to feel this way over the weekend. Most of all, I hope you make memories that you will treasure for a lifetime. Making […]
Happy Friday Happy Weekend
Happy Friday, Happy Weekend, My Friends! I hope you have a blessed Friday and a beautiful, blessed Weekend. No matter what your week was like, try to slow down and spend some time just being this weekend. Don’t try to get too much done, don’t overextend yourself. Relax and enjoy some peaceful, slow time this […]
He Will Give You Rest
Are you struggling? Do you feel a tightness in your chest because you are so worried about something? It may be a family member, a relationship, your work, your animals, but there is something that has you so burdened that your heart is heavy. Even the strongest of us have moments where the burdens of life […]
If You Stay, Stay Forever
Let me say first that, for the most part, humans are stable, consistent animals. But every now and then, you meet someone who teaches you a valuable lesson. Have you ever known someone who is constantly “back and forth” on “life”? They may go back and forth into relationships, constantly keeping the other half of […]
Integrity Is Everything
I’ve heard it said that integrity shines brightest upon those acts that are not witnessed by others. In other words, it’s standing firm on honor, moral principles and honesty if there are a lot of people watching you or if there’s no one watching you. You do the right thing even if no one is […]