I pray that you have had a beautiful day. And I pray that you can end the day on a peaceful, calm note. If something negative happened to you today, turn it over to God. Don’t take it into the rest of your week. Give it to Him. If someone was mean or hateful to […]
Never Forget How Far You’ve Come
You’re not where you are by accident. You’re here because you’ve prayed a lot. You’re here because you’re a fighter. You’re here because you don’t know the meaning of “quit”. You’re here because you are strong. My grandmother used to look at me and ask, “You ain’t got no quit in you, do you, girl?” […]
Two Things Define You
Most all of us have been in a place in our life where we thought we had nothing. We did, of course, have something, but we just didn’t have what we wanted. And no matter how hard we worked, no matter what we did, we just couldn’t get to the place where we weren’t living […]
Weekend Prayer
Happy First Weekend of Summer, My Friends! I hope you have a blessed one. No matter what your week was like, try to slow down and spend some time just being this weekend. Don’t try to get too much done, don’t overextend yourself. Relax and enjoy some peaceful, slow time this weekend. Shut off all […]
I Am Praying For Your Summer Miracle
Happy Summer! I hope you love Summer as much as I do. It’s my favorite time of the year. Even though I live in the South and we have very high temperatures and high humidity for a lot of the Summer, I still love it. I always have. There’s just something about Summertime that makes […]
Always Believe
Do you wake up happy? Or are you one of those that needs a wide berth before your first couple cups of coffee? Did you know that one, small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day to a positive day? And that one day can change your week which can change your […]
Most Of All, I’ve Learned
I’ve learned. A lot. And I learn every day and I pray that I continue to learn every day until the day I die. I never, ever want to be at a place where I stop learning. Isn’t that what life is all about? Learning? In my life, I’ve lived, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve […]
A Prayer For The Coming Week
I am so grateful that God gave us a beautiful Father’s Day Weekend. Today has been lovely and my heart is full. I pray that I never take my parents for granted. I pray that I always have love, honor and respect for them and I pray I live a life that shows my feelings […]
Happy Father’s Day
I pray that you are having a blessed Father’s Day Weekend. I love celebrating Father’s Day and doing something for my Dad on that day. I feel blessed that my Dad is still here with us. I know that some of you have lost your Dad and I want to say a prayer. Grief is […]
A Prayer For Fathers
It’s Father’s Day Weekend! I hope it is a beautiful weekend for you and your family. Now, more than ever, we need strong fathers. Our world is in such chaos and our children need to be able to look to a strong, loving, caring and supportive role model. There’s so much in today’s world that […]