Happy Sunday, My Friends! I hope your Sunday has begun with smiles and laughter and I pray you feel God’s blessings all day long. With this hug, I want to say that God cares for you. He cares for you more than you will ever know. It’s impossible to measure just how much He loves […]
God Bless You
Saturday Hugs
Happy Saturday, My Friends! I hope your weekend has begun with smiles and laughter and I pray you feel God’s blessings all day long. Let go of all the stress of the week and enjoy your weekend. Slow down and just be. If something has been bothering you this week, pray about it and turn […]
A Prayer To Bless Your Day
Hello, My Friends! Happy Monday and Happy New Week! I hope your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind, positive people and situations. Did you know that starting your day off with just one positive thought in the morning can change the entire layout of your day? What might have been chaotic can be […]