Happy September, my friends! God is going to bless our day with His mercy, grace and favor. I am thankful that God woke me up today and I am thankful He woke you up too. No matter what is going on in your life, stop for just one minute and tell God “Thank You” for […]
God Bless Your Tuesday
Tuesday Hugs-August 25, 2020
Happy Tuesday! Good Morning and God Bless You, My Friends! I pray you woke up ready to begin your day and thankful for everyone and everything you have in your life. Every morning we wake up, the first three things we should say is, “Thank You, thank You, and thank You, Lord, for waking me […]
Tuesday Hugs-August 11, 2020
It’s going to be a beautiful Tuesday! Good Morning and God Bless You, My Friends! I pray you woke up ready to begin your day and ready for another day with God in control. I think we all have a lot going on. And it’s understandable that our stress level is high with what’s going […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning, my friends! Happy first Tuesday of August 2020! I pray you had a blessed start to the week yesterday and that your evening brought you peace. And I pray you woke up today with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. If something happened yesterday that threatens to steal your […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning, my friends! Happy fourth and last Tuesday of July! God is going to give you a Tuesday filled with smiles, laughter, and happy people. No matter what happened yesterday, let it go, give it to God and move into today with a clean slate. Start your day without the broken pieces of yesterday. […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning, my friends! Happy third Tuesday of July! I pray that when God you woke up this morning, you were happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. You may not be feeling well, you may have things worrying you, but remember, God woke you up for a reason. He has […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning, my friends! Happy second Tuesday of July! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. No matter what happens today, remember that today is a gift from God. He woke you up for a reason and He has a plan for your life–today and every […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Tuesday Morning, my friends! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. Our Tuesday is going to be blessed! Today is a gift from God. Let’s make the most of it. Keep smiling. Keep moving forward. Keep trusting God. He is working things out for us. […]
Tuesday Hugs
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday, my friends! I pray you woke up happy, smiling and believing that something wonderful is around the corner for you. Let’s make the most of this day. It is a gift from God. This day will never come again. So, do everything you can to make it count. With this […]
Tuesday Hugs
Here’s to a beautiful Tuesday! Good Morning, my friends! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. Today is a gift from God. Let’s make the most of it. Keep smiling. Keep moving forward. Keep trusting God that He is healing our Cities and our Country. Thank […]