Happy Sunday, my friends! It’s St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow and we begin our Spring Season in a few days. I am so thankful! I’m sending out Happy Sunday HUGS. And I am sending a prayer for our Sunday. Pray this prayer with me and believe it. Trust in God to place His blessings in your […]
Sunday Hugs-March 19, 2023
Happy Sunday, my friends! We enter our Spring Season tomorrow and I, for one, am so thankful! I’m sending out Happy Sunday HUGS. And I am sending a prayer for our Sunday. Pray this prayer with me and believe it. Trust in God to place His blessings in your life. Dear God, Spring is the […]
Spring Sunday Hugs-March 20, 2022
Happy Spring! And Happy Sunday, my friends! I am thankful that God brought us to another Spring! I’m sending out Happy Spring and Happy Sunday HUGS. And I am sending a prayer for our Spring Season. Pray this prayer with me and believe it. Trust in God to place His blessings in your life. Dear God, […]
Hugs Of Hope And Encouragement
So, here we are at our first weekend of April and most of us are complying with “stay at home” orders. And not that home is a bad place to be, but we are social animals and it bothers us to be “stuck” somewhere. “Stuck” is not a good word to use, but it is […]
Never Lose Hope
The most important thing to remember when you are going through difficult times is to hold onto hope. Never, ever give up. As long as you have hope, you can make it. You’ve heard the quote, “Don’t give up. Your miracle will occur just around the corner.” This is so true. I’ve learned from life […]
Never Allow Another To Take These
Your hopes, your dreams and your goodness. Don’t let anyone take these from you. No matter what. I think these should be included as a part of our inalienable rights. Our hopes, our dreams and our goodness are things that belong to us and no one else. Others can support, others can love you, but […]
Never, Ever Lose Hope
The most important thing to remember when you are going through difficult times is to hold onto hope. Never, ever give up. As long as you have hope, you can make it. You’ve heard the quote, “Don’t give up. Your miracle will occur just around the corner.” This is so true. I’ve learned from life […]