Let’s slow down for a second. Inhale and slowly exhale. Just breathe. Isn’t our world fast? Today everything just seems to be so sped-up! You hurry to get showered and dressed for your day. You hurry through your first cup of coffee. You hurry to get out the door, drop the kids off and hurry […]
All The Time
Sunday Hugs-April 24, 2022
Good Morning, my friends. It’s our fourth Sunday of April 2022 and I’m praying that your day is blessed. I pray that you have started your day with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. […]
Happy People Are Thankful For The Little Things In Life
Happy people make me happier. It is such a wonderful feeling when you find yourself surrounded by people who are truly happy. It isn’t that happy people have more than the rest of us. Actually, sometimes, it is the happy people who have less than others, at least less in material things. They are happy […]
Friday Hugs-April 22, 2022
We’re here again, my friends! Our favorite day! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our fourth Friday of April 2022 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. Let’s decide right now that it is going to be great. Remember, you get to decide whether your day is going to be good or […]
Wednesday Hugs-April 20, 2022
We’ve reached the middle of the week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! It’s our third Wednesday of April 2022 and I, for one, am so thankful that I’m here to see another beautiful sunrise. A mid-week hug is always welcome. It helps you to let go of any stress that you’ve had in […]
Love, Honesty, Truth, Respect-Four Very Important Words
There are some “things” in life that you must have in order to live a happy, healthy life. You may think, “That’s a given…we already know that.” If you’re saying that, I’d ask you to look back at your life. Look at the happy times and look at the bad. More likely than not, you […]
My Family Is My Greatest Treasure
You’ve heard it said, “We don’t get to pick our family…we are born into it,” right? How many times has that thought come into your head? Be honest. I don’t know of any perfect families. All families deal with issues. That’s just life. But if you have the love of a family, you are blessed. […]
Remember How Blessed You Are, No Matter How Stressed You Are
It amazes me what the human spirit can get through. What we are able to overcome and grow from. Whatever is thrown our way, we are able to bounce back from. That’s because we are blessed by God. God made us in His image. Some of us have been going through hard times. And it […]
Holy Saturday Hugs-April 16, 2022
It is Holy Saturday. That day between the suffering on the Cross and the celebration of the Resurrection. It is a day to reflect, a day to remember that Jesus lay in the tomb. We often wonder why Good Friday and Holy Saturday had to happen. And, trust me, my friends, these two days did […]
Holy Thursday Hugs-April 14, 2022
Good Morning, my friends. It’s Holy Thursday! I pray you have a positive day filled with happy moments, kindness and love. I feel so blessed to be alive, to be able to make the journey through Holy Week another year. Thursday is a very important day of Holy Week. The Last Supper was the last […]