Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends! Happy Monday and Happy New Week! I’m grateful God woke me up this morning and let me begin a new week. I want to do everything I can to make this week–each day–count. It’s up to you to determine what your day is going to be like. And […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends. You’re not here by accident. You are supposed to be reading this right now. I am glad you are here. Welcome! I hope you are having a beautiful, peaceful Sunday morning! It is a beautiful, peaceful Sunday morning here at The Horse Mafia®. I am thankful that I woke […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends! I’ve got that Friday feeling! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend! It is going to be a beautiful day and a beautiful weekend. God woke you up this morning because He has someone out there who needs you. He has something He wants you to do. He has a […]
Tonight Let Your Stress Go
Relax. Take a deep breath. Now, exhale. Take another deep breath. Exhale. Let the stress of the day leave your body as you exhale. Let the stress go and release all your tension. Shake it off if you need to. Tonight, let your stress go. Take a step back and remember everything you’ve accomplished. Remember […]
Never Forget How Far You’ve Come
You’re not where you are by accident. You’re here because you’ve prayed a lot. You’re here because you’re a fighter. You’re here because you don’t know the meaning of “quit”. You’re here because you are strong. My grandmother used to look at me and ask, “You ain’t got no quit in you, do you, girl?” […]
Thankful For Those Special People
Sometimes I am feeling so blessed that I just have to stop what I am doing and thank people for all they do. People who make my life better, easier, happier just by being in it. I am thankful to those special people in my life who support me, uplift me, comfort me and bring […]
Cover Your Friends In Prayers
Have you ever talked to a friend that you haven’t talked with in a very long time and you find out that they have been going through a really tough time? And you had no idea?! They may have been embarrassed to call you and let you know what is going on. It may be […]
What Goes Around, Comes Around
What goes around, comes around. It’s true. Some call it karma. You receive what you put out there. Sometimes what we want so, so much is something we are not giving. And because we don’t give it, we never receive it. What do you think other people see when they look at you or what […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends! I hope you are having a blessed THANKFUL THURSDAY so far and I pray that your entire day is blessed with God’s blessings, mercy and favor. Make this day count, make it memorable and keep moving forward with God by your side. I have so much going on […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends! I hope you are having a blessed Tuesday so far and I pray that your entire day is blessed with smiles, laughter, peace, happiness all of God’s goodness. Make this day what you want it to be. Don’t let the day “happen to you”. You “happen to the […]