I hope your Sunday is blessed, my friends. Happy fourth Sunday of October 2021. I pray you are having a beautiful weekend and I pray that God blesses you and your family on this beautiful Sunday. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24. […]
Saturday Hugs-October 23, 2021
Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! It’s our fourth Saturday of October 2021. We’re moving quickly toward the end of the year. Let’s make every second count. I’m sending Saturday hugs your way. This hug is to say that God loves you, cares for you, protects you, wants to see you blessed, and wants […]
Friday Hugs-October 22, 2021
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning, Happy Friday and Happy Weekend! It’s our fourth Friday of October and I pray it is a beautiful start to your weekend. No matter what happens today, don’t let anyone bring you down. Keep smiling, keep moving forward, keep trusting God and His plan for your life. […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-October 21, 2021
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our third Thankful Thursday of October 2021 and I pray it is a day blessed with God’s every perfect gift from above. Wake up! Don’t miss these hugs as they fly by your way. These hugs are sent with love, care and a sincere wish to see […]
Wednesday Hugs-October 20, 2021
It’s our favorite middle day, my friends. Good Morning and Happy Wednesday. It’s our third Wednesday of October 2021 and we are blessed because we woke up to see this new day. These mid-week hugs help you let go of any stress that you’ve had in the beginning of the week and it renews you […]
Tuesday Hugs-October 19, 2021
Happy Tuesday, my friends! God is going to bless our day with His mercy, grace and favor. I am thankful that God woke me up today and I am thankful He woke you up too. No matter what is going on in your life, stop for just one minute and tell God “Thank You” for […]
Monday Hugs-October 18, 2021
Good Morning! Our first thought of each morning should be, ‘Thank You, God, for waking us up today”. We are blessed to see this new day, this new week. I’m sending Monday hugs your way. Your hug is sent with love and care and is meant to let you know that God is with you […]
Sunday Hugs-October 17, 2021
I hope your Sunday is blessed, my friends. Happy third Sunday of October 2021. I you are having a beautiful weekend and I pray that God blesses you and your family on this beautiful Sunday. I’m sending Sunday Hugs your way. I am not trying to force a hug on you. I am simply saying […]
Saturday Hugs-October 16, 2021
Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! It’s our third Saturday of October 2021 and I pray that your day and your weekend are blessed by God. I’m sending Saturday hugs your way. This hug is to say that God loves you, cares for you, protects you, wants to see you blessed, and wants to […]
Friday Hugs-October 15, 2021
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our third Friday of October 2021 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. God is going to bless us. Let’s decide right now that it is going to be great. No matter what happens today, don’t let anyone take you […]