I pray you’ve had a blessed day and I pray you have a peaceful evening and a restful night. I’ve had one of those days where I want to reach out to everyone I love and hug them. I want to hug everyone tight and hold the hug for a while. I want to just […]
The Happiest People
I was raised by the two strongest women on the planet, my mother and grandmother. To say we didn’t have a lot growing up is an understatement. My daddy and mother divorced when I was 12, and there were 6 women in the house, my grandmother, mother and us 4 girls, Faith, Hope, Charity (me) […]
Don’t Quit
No matter what happens, DON’T QUIT! Even when things are falling apart, have fallen apart, when life seems hopeless, don’t you quit. You can’t. You have to keep going. You have to keep believing that things are going to get better. It’s always when you think you can’t go any further that your miracle occurs. […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends! Happy Monday and Happy New Week! I’m grateful God woke me up this morning. It’s good to know that I get to do everything I can to make this week–each day–count. Remember, it’s up to you to determine what your day is going to be like. And you […]
Prayers For Cancer Patients
Cancer is taking so many people away from us. It’s taking our family members, our friends, our animals, our co-workers, our co-worshipers and school children. It is a horrible disease that claims the lives of so many. It seems like every week there is someone else that I learn has cancer. And it seems like […]
He Will Give You Rest
We all go through tough times. Every single one of us. We all have a day every now and then when we struggle. And sometimes the tough times last longer than a day–maybe a week or month and some struggle for even longer. Are you struggling? Do you feel a tightness in your chest because […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends. Welcome! I’m so glad you are here. You’re not here by accident. You are supposed to be reading this right now. I hope your Sunday morning has begun with peace in your heart and love in your soul. It is a beautiful, peaceful Sunday morning here at The Horse […]
Always Believe Something Wonderful Is Going To Happen
Do you wake up happy? Or are you one of those that needs a wide berth before your first couple cups of coffee? Did you know that one, small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day to a positive day? And that one day can change your week which can change your […]
Good Morning & God Bless
Good Morning & God Bless, My Friends! It’s Saturday and it’s the weekend! And this weekend is going to be SO BLESSED! Claim it. Claim a good day, a good weekend and claim your blessings. There’s about to be a shift in your life. Get ready for your blessings. You’ve been through enough and a […]
Forgiveness Doesn’t Excuse Their Behavior
One of the most wonderful resources God gave us is the ability to forgive. But it is up to you if and how you use it. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart. You’ve all seen the quote, “Life is a circle of good times and bad times…”, right? […]