Good Morning! Our first thought of each morning should be, ‘Thank You, God, for waking us up today”. We are blessed to see this new day, this new week. And it is September 11th! A day to remember those we lost, a day to send up a prayer for families who lost loved ones and […]
Sunday Hugs-September 10, 2023
This Sunday is a beautiful gift from God. Believe it. You woke up, you are breathing, you are alive and well and I am thankful you are here. Good Morning and Happy Sunday, my friends. It is a day of remembrance because it is the day before September 11th. I’m privileged to be able to […]
Saturday Hugs-September 9, 2023
Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! I pray your weekend is blessed and filled with God’s every perfect gift from above. This is a weekend that we are remembering 9-11. May we never forget. God brought us through the week and woke us up to see this beautiful weekend. Let’s praise and thank Him […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-September 7, 2023
It’s our first Thursday of September 2023 and it is going to be a blessed day. Happy Thankful Thursday! Open those sleepy eyes, my friends. Don’t miss these hugs as they fly by your way. These hugs are sent with love, care and a sincere wish to see you have a productive, positive day. If […]
Wednesday Hugs-September 6, 2023
We are blessed to wake up to see this beautiful first Wednesday of September. Good Morning and Happy Wednesday, my friends. I pray you can reach out and grab one of these hugs, my friends. These hugs are sent with love and care and are meant to let you know that God cares for you. […]
Tuesday Hugs-September 5, 2023
Good Morning, my friends! Happy first Tuesday of September! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. We are already having a blessed month, my friends! I pray your Labor Day was beautiful and blessed. I hope you were surrounded by loved ones and I pray you […]
Labor Day Monday Hugs-September 4, 2023
Good Morning, my friends! Happy Monday and Happy Labor Day! It’s the day we are supposed to slow down, take it easy and relax. So, let’s do just that. Slow down and relax. How many of you have started a “to-do” list for all the things you want to get done on your “off” day? Doesn’t […]
Sunday Hugs-September 3, 2023
Good Morning, my friends. Welcome to our first Sunday of September 2023. It’s our Sunday before Labor Day and let’s agree right now that it is going to be a blessed, beautiful day. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24. I’m sending out Happy […]
Friday Hugs-September 1, 2023
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning, Happy Friday! It’s our first day of September and I pray it is a beautiful start to your Labor Day weekend. No matter what happens today, don’t let anyone bring you down. Keep smiling, keep moving forward, keep trusting God and His plan for your life. I’m […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-August 31, 2023
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our last day of August 2023 and I pray it is a day blessed with God’s every perfect gift from above. Wake up! Don’t miss these hugs as they fly by your way. These hugs are sent with love, care and a sincere wish to see you […]