I hope your Sunday is blessed, my friends. We only have a couple of days left in January. And then, we will be into February 2022. Remember, This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24. I’m sending Sunday Hugs your way. No matter where you […]
God Bless You
July 4th Weekend Saturday Hugs-July 3, 2021
It’s July 4th Weekend, my friends! Good Morning! Happy Saturday! This is not just any old Saturday. It’s the Saturday that we get to celebrate our Country’s Independence. Decide right now that today is going to be positive, happy and a beautiful day. And don’t let anyone bring you down. I’m sending Happy Saturday and […]
Friday Hugs-June 25, 2021
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our last Friday of June 2021 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. God is good, all the time. Let’s decide right now that today is going to be great. No matter what happens today, don’t let anyone take you […]
Memorial Day Weekend Saturday Hugs-May 29, 2021
Good Morning! It was God who brought us through the week and it was God who woke us up to see another beautiful weekend. Give Him praise! And it isn’t just any weekend. It’s Memorial Day weekend. It’s the weekend we remember and honor all those who have sacrificed so much. Try not to bring […]
Tuesday Hugs-May 25, 2021
Good Morning, my friends! Happy fourth Tuesday of May 2021! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. With this hug, I am saying, “God loves you and He is with you. He will never leave you. No matter what is happening externally, remember, God is in […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-April 29, 2021
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our faith and last Thursday of April 2021. I pray you woke up thankful for life, with hope in your heart and happiness in your soul. I’m sending Thankful Thursday hugs your way. So, wake up! Don’t miss these hugs. They’re coming straight at you. You don’t […]
Wednesday Hugs-April 21, 2021
We’ve reached the middle of the week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! It’s our third Wednesday of April 2021 and I, for one, am so thankful that I’m here to see another beautiful sunrise. A mid-week hug is always welcome. It helps you to let go of any stress that you’ve had in […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs
I’m sending out Happy Thankful Thursday HUGS, My Friends! Take this big, caring hug that is meant to make you smile and let you know that you matter and tuck it into your heart. Whenever you need it today, remember it’s there—in your heart. I am so blessed to have another Thankful Thursday. God is […]
Saturday Hugs
Happy Saturday, My Friends! Saturday Hugs! I hope your weekend has begun with smiles and laughter and I pray you feel God’s blessings all day long. Let go of all the stress of the week and enjoy your weekend. Slow down and just be. If something has been bothering you this week, pray about it […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs
Happy Thankful Thursday, My Friends! I am sending a big, caring hug your way. And, I’m hoping you woke up with a thankful heart. I feel so blessed to have another Thankful Thursday. God is so good. He wakes me up every morning and I will thank Him and praise Him every single day. Upon […]