Good Morning! It’s our last Wednesday of April 2022. Yes, my friends, we are moving right into May. Let’s decide right now that God is going to bless our day. I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. I pray you are able to catch one. This hug is sent with love and care. Let’s make […]
Keep Balance In Your Life
Whether you’re going slow and easy, or you’re running hard and fast, you must maintain a balance in your life. If you can’t find a balance, you burn out–quick. Trust me, I speak from experience. You can’t work all the time. Sometimes you must rest. You have to get away from work every now and then […]
Tuesday Hugs-April 26, 2022
Happy Tuesday! Good Morning and God Bless You, My Friends! I pray you woke up ready to begin your day and thankful for everyone and everything you have in your life. Every morning we wake up, the first three things we should say is, “Thank You, thank You, and thank You, Lord, for waking me […]
When Your Arms Can’t Reach Loved Ones, Hug Them With Your Prayers
Good Night, my friends! I hope your evening is blessed. I pray God removes your worries and fears and places His peace in your heart. Turn over all your worries to God and rest peacefully. If you’re like me you have loved ones all over the world. And if you’re like me, you want to […]
To All My Family And Friends, I Love You
We sometimes fail to realize that time is the most valuable “thing” we have. It is the most valuable possession and it is the most valuable gift you can give someone. Spending time with our family and friends and creating wonderful memories are what makes our life worth living. Our family and our friends are […]
Monday Hugs-April 25, 2022
We’ve been blessed to wake up to see a new day, a new week. Good Morning and Happy Monday, my friends! We’ve started our fourth and last Monday of April 2022. Here’s your perfect opportunity to decide that today and every day this week is going to be blessed. No matter what happens, keep that […]
The Devil Was Once An Angel, Be Careful Who You Trust
Trust is a very, very expensive “thing”. You can’t buy it, you can’t touch it. But you know if you have it. You know if your heart and soul trust something or someone. And you know if you don’t have it for someone or something. We’ve all been there. We’ve all trusted someone and then […]
I Wish I Could Just Rewind, I Miss The Old Days
Let’s slow down for a second. Inhale and slowly exhale. Just breathe. Isn’t our world fast? Today everything just seems to be so sped-up! You hurry to get showered and dressed for your day. You hurry through your first cup of coffee. You hurry to get out the door, drop the kids off and hurry […]
Sunday Hugs-April 24, 2022
Good Morning, my friends. It’s our fourth Sunday of April 2022 and I’m praying that your day is blessed. I pray that you have started your day with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. […]
Happy People Are Thankful For The Little Things In Life
Happy people make me happier. It is such a wonderful feeling when you find yourself surrounded by people who are truly happy. It isn’t that happy people have more than the rest of us. Actually, sometimes, it is the happy people who have less than others, at least less in material things. They are happy […]