Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! Yes, my friends, we’ve reached the middle of the week. And God is going to bless our day. Believe it and receive it. Can you believe that we are already in the third Wednesday of May 2023? This month and this year is really flying by. Before long we will […]
Tuesday Hugs-May 16, 2023
Happy Tuesday, my friends! God is going to bless our day with His mercy, grace and favor. I am thankful that God woke me up today and I am thankful He woke you up too. No matter what is going on in your life, stop for just one minute and tell God “Thank You” for […]
Monday Hugs-May 15, 2023
Good Morning and Happy Monday! Here’s to a beautiful Monday! And let’s start our day and our new week believing that God is going to bless our day. No matter what happens, start the week out by smiling and trusting in God. Let your faith be stronger than your fear, let your trust in God remove […]
Mother’s Day Sunday Hugs-May 14, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day! Good Morning, my friends! Happy Sunday! It’s going to be a beautiful Mother’s Day. God is going to bless us, our families and the time we spend together. I’m sending Mother’s Day hugs your way! This hug is to bring you encouragement and to say, “God loves you, He cares for you, […]
Mother’s Day Weekend Friday Hugs-May 12, 2023
Good Morning, my friends! Happy Friday! It’s not just any Friday, my friends! It’s Mother’s Day Weekend Friday! It’s going to be a great day. This day is going to be blessed, positive, filled with happiness and it is going to be a beautiful start to our Mother’s Day Weekend. No matter what happens, stay […]
Wednesday Hugs-May 10, 2023
It’s the middle of the week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! I pray you had a good night’s rest and that you woke up smiling and ready to face your day. I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. I pray you are able to get one of these hugs. This hug is caring, […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-May 4, 2023
It’s our first Thankful Thursday of May 2023 and it is going to be a blessed day. Good Morning and Happy Thankful Thursday! Open those sleepy eyes, my friends. Don’t miss these hugs as they fly by your way. These hugs are sent with love, care and a sincere wish to see you have a […]
Friday Hugs-April 21, 2023
We’re here again, my friends! Our favorite day! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our third Friday of April 2023 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. Let’s decide right now that it is going to be great. Remember, you get to decide whether your day is going to be good or […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-April 20, 2023
Hello and Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our third Thursday of April 2023 and I woke up with a thankful heart. I pray you feel thankful that you woke up. I’m sending Thankful Thursday hugs your way. Even if you are sleepy and you just don’t want to get out of bed, […]
Wednesday Hugs-April 19, 2023
We’ve reached the middle of the week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! It’s our third Wednesday of April 2023 and I, for one, am so thankful that I’m here to see another beautiful sunrise. A mid-week hug is always welcome. It helps you to let go of any stress that you’ve had in […]