My life is good. I have God to thank for that. I’m sixty years old and I feel so blessed. Somedays I feel my age, but most of the time, I feel younger than that. Although there are times… I’m too old for games, too tired to pretend, and too wise for lies. When you […]
Wednesday Hugs-March 16, 2022
Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! I’m sending Wednesday Hugs your way! I hope your day is blessed, happy and filled with kind people and positive situations. With this hug, I am sending you a smile and a prayer that you are safe and happy. That you’ll have new blessings that you didn’t have yesterday and […]
Respect Is Earned Not Given
Where has respect gone? It seems to be a distant concept–something people did “back in the day”. Families don’t seem to have respect among themselves and the way I hear children talk to their parents, parents don’t seem to teach it either. What’s happened? Children and young people do not seem to respect each other […]
Tuesday Hugs-March 15, 2022
Happy third Tuesday of March 2022, my friends! God is going to bless our day with His mercy, grace and favor. I am thankful that God woke me up today and I am thankful He woke you up too. No matter what is going on in your life, stop for just one minute and tell […]
Parents-Appreciate Their Sacrifices
I was raised by two strong women who sacrificed almost everything to raise me and my sisters. My mother and grandmother were very strong, hard working women. To say we didn’t have a lot growing up is an understatement. My daddy and mother divorced when I was 12, and there were 6 women in the […]
Monday Hugs-March 14, 2022
Good Morning and Happy Monday! Here’s to the second Monday of March 2022! And let’s start our day and our new week believing that God is going to bless our day and our whole week. With your hug, I am sending a prayer. Please pray this prayer with me and believe that God hears our […]
To Everyone Who’s Reading This
If you are reading this, you are not here by accident. You are here because you are meant to be here. Right here, right now, reading this. I pray you are blessed while you are here. To everyone who’s reading this: I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets […]
Sunday Hugs-March 13, 2022
Good Morning and Happy Sunday, my friends! I hope your Sunday is blessed, my friends. Happy second Sunday of March 2022. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24. I pray you are having a beautiful weekend and I pray that God blesses you […]
Saturday Hugs-March 12, 2022
Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! It’s the second weekend of March 2022. God gave us this weekend and we are blessed to wake up to see it. Believe that God is going to bless your day and your entire weekend. Daylight Savings Time begins early tomorrow morning. So don’t forget to set your […]
Friday Hugs-March 11, 2022
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our second Friday of March 2022 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. God is good, all the time. I’m sending Friday hugs your way. I hope you are able to reach out and grab one. Don’t let them pass […]