Here’s to a beautiful and happy start to your week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Monday! We’ve been blessed to wake up to see a new week. Let’s decide right now that today and this entire week is going to be blessed by God. We are going to be physically and financially blessed. We […]
All The Time
Sunday Hugs-May 23, 2021
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24. Good Morning, my friends! Happy Sunday! I pray you woke up with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. I’m sending Sunday Hugs your way! I don’t want you to miss out on this […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-May 20, 2021
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our third Thankful Thursday of May 2021. Yes, we are moving quickly through our month of May. I pray today is a day blessed with God’s every perfect gift from above. I pray you had a good night’s rest and you feel blessed to be alive and […]
Sunday Hugs-May 16, 2021
Good Morning and Happy Sunday, my friends. I’m privileged to be able to share a few minutes with you this morning. God gave us this time together and I am thankful. This Sunday is a beautiful gift from God. Believe it. We woke up, we are breathing, we are alive and well and I am […]
Monday Hugs-April 26, 2021
We’ve been blessed to wake up to see a new day, a new week. Good Morning and Happy Monday, my friends! We’ve started our fourth and last Monday of April 2021. Here’s your perfect opportunity to decide that today and every day this week is going to be blessed. No matter what happens, keep that […]
Friday Hugs-April 23, 2021
We’re here again, my friends! Our favorite day! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our fourth Friday of April 2021 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. Let’s decide right now that it is going to be great. Remember, you get to decide whether your day is going to be good or […]
Tuesday Hugs-April 13, 2021
Good Morning, my friends! Happy second Tuesday of April 2021! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. With this hug, I am saying, “God loves you and He is with you. He will never leave you. No matter what is happening externally, remember, God is in […]
Friday Hugs-April 9, 2021
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our second Friday of April 2021 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. God is good, all the time. Remember this today: You are a child of God today like you are any other day and this day is going […]
Holy Week Monday Hugs-March 29, 2021
Good Morning, my friends! Happy Monday of Holy Week! This is a blessed day. This day in history was the day Jesus cleansed the temple and designated it as a house of prayer. And it was the second day into Jesus Christ’s last week of earthly ministry. It was one day closer to His death […]
Friday Hugs-March 26, 2021
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our fourth and final Friday of March 2021 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. Remember, God is good, all the time. He is never changing, never failing and He loves us more than we can imagine. I’m sending Friday […]