Here’s to a beautiful and happy start to your week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Monday! We’ve been blessed to wake up to see a new week. Let’s decide right now that today and this entire week is going to be blessed by God. We are going to be financially blessed. We are going […]
Sunday Hugs-April 16, 2023
Good Morning, my friends. It’s our third Sunday of April 2023 and I’m praying that your day is blessed. I pray that you have started your day with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. Remember, this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. […]
Saturday Hugs-April 15, 2023
Happy Weekend, my friends! And happy third Saturday of April 2023! Thank you so much for being here, for taking a few minutes to get a hug and pray with me. I’m sending Saturday hugs your way. This hug is to let you know that God is taking care of you and He is working […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-April 13, 2023
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! I pray that you woke up with a thankful heart and you feel God with you all day long. These hugs are sincere and sent with love and care. With this hug, I am saying to you, “God Is Good, All The Time! And He loves and cares […]
Wednesday Hugs-April 12, 2023
It’s the middle of the week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! I pray you had a good night’s rest and that you woke up smiling and ready to face your day. We are already blessed because we woke up! I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. With this hug, I’m saying, “Don’t let chaos, […]
Tuesday Hugs-April 11, 2023
Good Morning, my friends! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. With this hug, I am saying, “God loves you and He is with you. He will never leave you. No matter what is happening externally, remember, God is in our hearts and He gives us […]
Monday Hugs-April 10, 2023
Our Monday is already blessed, my friends! We woke up! Good Morning and Happy Monday! It’s our Monday after Easter Sunday and it is going to be great. No matter what happens this week, I pray you keep hope alive in your heart. Decide right now that your day and your week are going to […]
Easter Sunday Hugs-April 9, 2023
It is Resurrection Day! Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! Today is the day God’s plan comes full circle for us. After life, suffering, crucifixion and death, Jesus Christ has risen. I pray that this Easter Sunday is spent with family and friends and that you feel the presence of the Lord on this blessed day. Even […]
Holy Saturday Hugs-April 8, 2023
It is Holy Saturday. That day between the suffering on the Cross and the celebration of the Resurrection. It is a day to reflect, a day to remember that Jesus lay in the tomb. We often wonder why Good Friday and Holy Saturday had to happen. And, trust me, my friends, these two days did […]
Good Friday Hugs-April 7, 2023
It’s one of our Holiest of days, Good Friday. When we think about what Jesus went through on Good Friday, we are saddened. I cannot help but cry on Good Friday. But, I keep telling myself that Sunday is coming. And I have hope in my heart and can’t wait for our blessed Easter morning. […]