Good Morning, my friends. It’s Holy Thursday! I pray you have a positive day filled with happy moments, kindness and love. I feel so blessed to be alive, to be able to make the journey through Holy Week another year. Thursday is a very important day of Holy Week. The Last Supper was the last […]
Holy Wednesday Hugs-April 5, 2023
It’s Holy Wednesday, my friends! We’ve reached the middle of Holy Week. I am sending Holy Wednesday hugs your way. I pray you will receive one. Holy Wednesday commemorates the day Judas made the decision to betray Jesus. Although Jesus knew that Judas would betray him, Jesus loved him until the end: And Judas went […]
Remembering Our Loved Ones At Easter Time
Easter can be a wonderful time of the year, but it can also be sad. Some people struggle with memories of loved ones who have passed on. The sadness they feel in their hearts overrides the joy of Easter. Whether your loved ones have been gone a short period or for many years, this can […]
Holy Week Tuesday Hugs-April 4, 2023
Good Morning, my friends. It’s Holy Tuesday! I pray you have a positive day filled with happy moments, kindness and love. We also call this day of the week “ChooseDay”. So, choose to trust in God and keep the faith during our blessed Holy Week. Monday through Wednesday of Holy Week are the days less […]
Holy Week Monday Hugs-April 3, 2023
Good Morning, my friends! Happy Monday of Holy Week! This is a blessed day. This day in history was the day Jesus cleansed the temple and designated it as a house of prayer. And it was the second day into Jesus Christ’s last week of earthly ministry. It was one day closer to His death […]
Palm Sunday Hugs-April 2, 2023
Good Palm SundayMorning, my friends! This is a blessed day. It marks the beginning of the last week of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry. Believe with me that God is going to bless our day. No matter what you have going on, try to give all your worries to God and focus on this sacred, blessed […]
Saturday Hugs-April 1, 2023
Raise your coffee with me, my friends! Here’s to us! God brought us through the week and He’s opened our eyes to see this beautiful Saturday morning. And, it the first day of April! Good Morning, Happy Saturday and Happy April, my friends! I’m sending Saturday hugs your way. This hug is to say that God […]
Friday Hugs-March 31, 2023
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! And Happy Last Day Of March! It’s our last day of March and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. God is good, all the time. Remember this today: You are a child of God today like you are any other day […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-March 30, 2023
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our last Thursday of March 2023. And I pray it is a day blessed with God’s every perfect gift from above. Wake up! Don’t miss these hugs as they fly by your way. These hugs are sent with love, care and a sincere wish to see you […]
Wednesday Hugs-March 29, 2023
Good Morning and Happy Wednesday, my friends! It’s the middle of the week! I pray you had a good night’s rest and that you woke up ready to face your day. I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. I pray you are able to get one of these hugs. This hug is caring, and meant […]